



sudo python ctrl.py [-h] [--logo LOGO] [--rgb R G B] [--default]
optional arguments:
-h, --help
show help message
--logo LOGO, -l LOGO
0 for off, 1 for static and 2 for breathing
--rgb R G B, -r R G B
rgb decimal ints(0-255): 11 22 33 for example
--default, -d
perform default action: 0 and 2 2 2

just try it out

how it works

the rgb keys and the logo are controlled through usb protocal
this little script does almost the same as the official software does
sends some message to the device and it's done
see the script for yourself and do some research if you're interested


for advanced keyboard rgb effects you may want to check out OpenRGB
i wrote it mainly to silent the rgb keys on linux
the logo seems to have only 3 basic effects

that't all, so long