
A public repo where I teach you how to get started with Spring boot from creating your first project to building a Reactive web application with Spring Boot

Primary LanguageJava

Learn Spring Boot with Henri 👽

Welcome to the "Learn Spring Boot with Henri" repository! This repository is designed to help you learn and master Spring Boot, a powerful framework for building robust and efficient Java applications. Whether you're a beginner looking to get started or an experienced developer aiming to expand your skills, this repository will guide you through various Spring Boot concepts step by step.

Concepts Covered 😎

This repository covers the following Spring Boot concepts:

  • Booting Spring Boot: Get started with the basics of Spring Boot and learn how to set up your development environment.
  • Common Spring Boot tasks: Explore essential tasks like configuration, logging, and profiles management.
  • Database Access with Spring Data: Learn how to connect and interact with databases using Spring Data.
  • Spring Security: Understand how to secure your Spring Boot applications using Spring Security.
  • Developing RESTful web services: Build RESTful APIs and web services using Spring Boot.
  • Reactive Spring Boot development: Dive into reactive programming and build reactive applications with Spring Boot.
  • Deploying Spring Boot application: Learn how to package, deploy, and run your Spring Boot application in different environments.

Getting Started 🐱‍🏍

Each concept is organized in its own dedicated directory within this repository. Navigate to the respective directory to access detailed guides, code examples, and practical exercises for each concept.

Contributions 😍

Contributions are welcome! If you find errors, want to enhance the content, or have suggestions for additional topics, feel free to open issues or submit pull requests.

License 🐱‍👤

This repository is licensed under the MIT License.

Acknowledgments 🙌

A special thanks to all the contributors and the Spring Boot community for making this learning resource possible.

Let's embark on a journey to master Spring Boot together!

Happy coding! 🐱‍💻