
An example to use of generics with UITableViewController. With help of GenericListViewController.swift and BaseTableViewCell.swift, data can be populated without worrying about cell registration and TableView DataSource methods.


  • Drag- Drop 'GenericListViewController.swift' and 'BaseTableViewCell.swift' file into your project folder.
  • Create your data model say ModelRoot.
  • Create a subclass of GenericListViewController say RootViewController.
  • Create subclass of BaseTableViewCell say RootTableViewCell.

Your custom cell code will be as below

  class RootTableViewCell: BaseTableViewCell<ModelRoot> {
        fileprivate let padding_constant: CGFloat = 10.0
       //Just to customize table cell and to explain use of custom cell
       var labelName: UILabel!
     override var item: ModelRoot! {
       didSet {
           self.labelName.text =

Your ViewController will be as below

class RootViewController: GenericListViewController<RootTableViewCell, ModelRoot> {

Inside your view controler file's viewdidLoad, supply data

 class RootViewController: GenericListViewController<RootTableViewCell, ModelRoot> {
  let dummyNames = [ModelRoot(name: "James"), ModelRoot(name: "Bianca"), ModelRoot(name: "Robert"), ModelRoot(name: "Peter"), ModelRoot(name: "Gagan"), ModelRoot(name: "Siree"), ModelRoot(name: "Sarah"), ModelRoot(name: "Pure"),  ModelRoot(name: "Annu"),  ModelRoot(name: "Const")]

  //MARK:- View Controller life cyle
  override func viewDidLoad() {
      self.title = "Generic Table"
      items = dummyNames


  struct ModelRoot {
   let name: String