Task Ask is a Slack App, BCIT Student Project in partnership with Ayogo Health Inc. The App allows users to assign and track tasks through Slack.
It is based on Starbot.
- Brett Dixon: brettdixon1@gmail.com
- Tommy Do: sudotommy@gmail.com
- Sukhman Nijjer: nijjersukhman@gmail.com
- Gagandeep Heer: gagandeeph29@gmail.com
- Dylan Chew: dylan.t.chew@gmail.com
We recommend running Node 8.9.0 or higher. Run npm install
to install all relevant node modules.
Also before running you must setup your App in the Slack API and create a PostgreSQL database. Once these are ready you will have to provide the relevant variables through either your server Environment Variables or by hardcoding them into ./src/config.js
. If you do decide to hardcode your variables you should add ./src/config.js
to the .gitignore
file. This will prevent your sensitive credentials from being exposed to the public on your Git Repository.
Once all of this is complete you can run the app through node ./src/index.js
create table ask_table (serial_id serial not null primary key, sender_id varchar(20) not null, receiver_id varchar(20) not null, status varchar(10) default 'PENDING', jira_id varchar(10), title varchar(35), req_desc varchar(300), req_date timestamp default now(), fin_date timestamp, due_date timestamp);
create table clarify_table (serial_id serial not null references ask_table (serial_id) on delete cascade, clar_quest varchar(150), question_id serial primary key, clar_answer varchar(150), q_date timestamp);
create table user_table (f_name varchar(25), l_name varchar(25), slack_id varchar(25), email varchar(30), jira_name varchar(50));