Build and run on Windows 7

  • Install ruby using RubyInstaller and "jekyll" bundle from the link
  • Clone the repo in local system
  • Go to the repo path in cmd and run below command: ´bundle update && bundle install´ This will update the gems required by your site using the files Gemfile and Gemfile.lock
  • Host site locally by running the file "serve.bat" in cmd as: ´serve.bat´ OR ´.\serve.bat´
    • Use Windows CMD or PowerShell for running this, as Git shell doesn't run this correctly.
  • Last checked 02-May-2021:
  • Running fine using the Ruby version: ruby 2.7.3p183 (2021-04-05 revision 6847ee089d) [x64-mingw32]

Build and run on Linux

  • Get started here:
  • Clone the repo in local system
  • Go to the repo path in terminal and run below command: ´bundle update && bundle install´ This will update the gems required by your site using the files Gemfile and Gemfile.lock
  • Host site locally by running the file "" in terminal as: ´´


  • The site is hosted by default at http://localhost:4000 until there are some changes in the running command via the params.

Initiate Jekyll site