
This is the repository for calculating Model Dependent(MD) limit

Primary LanguagePython


1) Generate the signal flat Tuple

On Lxplus
Input: a eos path like /store/group/phys_exotica/BH_RunII/BlackMax_NTuple/
Change the $DIR in the shell script, prepare a directory called "SignalFlatTuple/ModelClass" Usage:

mkdir SignalFlatTuple
cd SignalFlatTuple
mkdir ModelClass
cd ../
sh GenSignalFlatTuple.sh

On brux6, please modify and use

python GenSignalFlatTuple.py

2) Find the Optimal (Stmin,Nmin) points

####i) Ingredients:

####ii) Prepare the input list with:

ls SignalFlatTuple/ModelClass/*.root > MasspointList.txt

The * is important. This will generate a txt file with format path/root

####iii)** Modify the Input constants section in ZbiCalculator.py before running**
eospath is neccessary only if the Ntuple file is in eos. Only the path listed in the code are necessary. The FlatTuples of BH_fullsim and Charybdis already contains Ngen info.

####iv) Running the code ZbiCalculator_v5 = optimizing with observed MI limit.
ZbiCalculator_v4 = optimizing with Zbi.

eosmount eos
python ZbiCalculator_v5.py MasspointList.txt StOpt_Model.txt

StOpt_Model.txt and StOpt_Model.root will be the output files. StOpt_Model.txt will contain the optimal points for each sample and the limits data for plotting.
StOpt_Model.root will contain validation plots for searching optimal points.

##3) Making the plots ####i) Sort the output

python sort.py StOpt_Model.txt

This is important for interpolating the correct minMBH.

####ii) Make the root file with plots

mkdir ./plots
python MakeMDroot.py StOpt_Model.txt -b

Output: ./plots/StOpt_Model_plots.root

####iii) Make the final limit plot There is one seperate plotting script for each final plot.

python drawSB.py -b

####iv) Make sanity check plots

cd plots
python makepdf.py StOpt_Model_plots.root -b