
A template for starting an AWS based serverless api. This utilizes lambda, api-gateway, WAFv2 and other various services to build a scalable and highly-available api. Deployment of all infrastructure fully automated via serverless framework :)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

AWS Serverless API Template

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A template for starting an AWS based serverless api. This utilizes lambda, api-gateway, WAFv2 and other various services to build a scalable and highly-available api. Deployment of all infrastructure fully automated via serverless framework :)


Below is a single region deployment example. All resources here are automatically provisioned and configured via serverless framework and deployed to the configured region.

Below is a multi-region deployment for high availability in the event of an AWS region failure. This also reduces geographic latency to each region deployed. To achieve this active-active behavior we must manually configure a route53 zone & api gateway custom domains. You then apply 2 latency based routing policies to point at each api gateaway via A record. Then attach health-checks to each policy to ensure that the services are healthy in that region.

Alternatively you could setup a cloudfront distribution with an origin group that contains both api-gateways that fails over on 4xx-5xx. This active-passive pattern would also allow multi-region failover without the need of route53 or a custom domain.

Adding new lambdas

Adding lambdas is fairly straight forward. Simply copy one of the lambda folders inside of /src/lambdas/ and modify the handler code as needed. Note that the handler must return the callback and the data should be in a json format. Once that is complete open serverless.yml and navigate to the functions: section. This is where we specify the file to use in that lambda as well as how it connects to api-gateway.

Example config:

    handler: src/lambdas/hello/handler.handler #fileName.exportName in code
    maximumRetryAttempts: 1 #Retry attempts by lambda on failure
    package: # Only package code relevant to this specific lambda
        - src/lambdas/hello/**
    events: #API Gateway integration etc
      - http:
          method: get
          path: hello
          private: true #require api key
          cors: #cors settings
            origin: '*'

For more documentation on how its configured, visit HERE.

Adding Environment Variables

Environment variables can be added to our lambdas via serverless.yml under the provider:. An example is as follow:

    MY_SECRET: hi there :)

This will be accessible in the lambda via process.env.MY_SECRET. There are defaultly some environment variables accessible from AWS such as process.env.AWS_REGION for the current region

Note: Sensitive secrets should be stored via Secret Manager which should be manually configured by you. To request secrets and data from the service you can utilize the AWS SDK for JS and follow this example.

Adding Databasing & Caching

There are a few options for caching in databasing that AWS provides. However, as this repo acts primarily as a starting template for a restful api's I will not go to in depth on this as each service has its own use case. If you are curious on my recommendations though feel free to open an issue and ask!

Configuring API Gateway & Limits

By default, our api-gateway service is secured and will automatically provisioned an api key attached to a usage plan. A usage plan is a set of limits of which the api key must abide such as a rate limit, burst limit, and quota. You can modify the limits of this usage plan via the serverless.yml under the apiGateway: section.

Example config:

    - private_key: # Used to tie key to usage plan
        - my amazing api key
    - private_key: # Used to tie key to usage plan. Key will abide by the following
            limit: 5000 #maximum 5000 request per month, refreshes on 2nd day
            offset: 2
            period: MONTH
            burstLimit: 200 #maximum number of concurrent requests that API gateway will serve at any given point
            rateLimit: 100 #request per second limit

More info on configuration options found HERE.


Testing the lambdas and api-gateway integration is fairly simple. Just run the command npm run dev or alternatively serverless offline. This will stand up a local simulated environment hosted defaultly on port 3000 which you can call using something like postman.


To deploy the application to AWS you will first need to install the AWS CLI. Then proceed with the following steps.

  1. Authenticate with your AWS CLI. Whether that be entering access keys in the credential file or alternatively entering environment variables.
  2. Ensure all your unit test are passing with npm test
  3. Run npm deploy which will use the default of stage dev and region us-east-1. If you wish to manually configure the stage and region, you can do so by modifying the package.json script or alternatively running serverless deploy --stage dev --region us-east-1 manually with your respective changes to that commands parameters.

IMPORTANT : Due to the universal nature of s3, the deployment may fail with a "bucket already exist" error. This is because s3 buckets must have unique names per region. To resolve this ensure your service name is unique to your project or modify the deployment bucket name in the serverless.yml

IMPORTANT : Upon first deployment, the script may not be able to attach the WAF to the API-Gateway. Simply rerun the deployment script and it should attach now that its created.

Dev Dependencies

  • jest
  • serverless
  • serverless-associate-waf
  • serverless-deployment-bucket
  • serverless-offline
  • standard


Find the contribution document HERE if you wish to work on the repo!