Dagor Engine and Tools source code from Gaijin Games KFT
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Typical mistakes, examples, that can lead to navmesh generation failure?
#126 opened by VeresBalazsLaszlo - 2
Exported models corrupted. floating point error.
#125 opened by TunderTunder - 6
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rotationAnimScale, launchAnimVar и hatchAnimVar
#124 opened by TunderTunder - 0
Painting biome texture (_det_tex_b) files
#123 opened by VeresBalazsLaszlo - 1
Does Cubic Odyssey use dagor?
#122 opened by marcikaa78 - 0
Visual Scripting solution
#121 opened by kryoqa - 3
BLK not found
#118 opened by davi23code - 0
CSG/Blockout Tools for daEditor?
#120 opened by JailbreakPapa - 0
If I want to add a new custom shading model with custom lighting like cel-shading: Which part should I put it in? As a new shading or a new SSS_PROFILE?
#119 opened by CodeLikeCXK - 6
Scripting/Game Logic With Native C++
#114 opened by JailbreakPapa - 2
Spline to extrude heightmap
#117 opened by VeresBalazsLaszlo - 1
World space UI with animation effect through rendertarget: Do I need to modify engine to achieve that?
#116 opened by CodeLikeCXK - 5
Shader Compilation Error - FFTWater
#115 opened by JailbreakPapa - 10
How does math/intrinsics libraries work in Dagor? If a want to port a SSE2NEON library into it to allow more arm64 support, which files should I look into?
#113 opened by CodeLikeCXK - 2
Visual Studio Solution Fails
#97 opened by HardlineStudios - 2
Launching DngSceneViewer in VR mode
#112 opened by VeresBalazsLaszlo - 3
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Fail to compile heightmapland for windows arm64 due to codes related to emmitrin:How to retarget the feature for platform other than SSE?
#91 opened by CodeLikeCXK - 2
Missing shaders from tools.shaderdumps?
#110 opened by VeresBalazsLaszlo - 10
Error after latest version compilation for testGI and DngSceneViewer sample
#109 opened by CodeLikeCXK - 2
Как сделать освещение объекта статичным?
#107 opened by TunderTunder - 1
Link to Dagor 2 3ds Max Tools (GaijinTools)
#108 opened by VeresBalazsLaszlo - 4
_jBuild is missing msbuild folder
#95 opened by Valve-too - 4
Console Verification Process?
#86 opened by JailbreakPapa - 3
Build Error
#105 opened by Jojoman632 - 7
Fatal DirectX View instancing assertion failure
#104 opened by moleium - 6
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200 GB of HDD/SSD?
#101 opened by uteal - 4
Running the editor
#99 opened by razvanab - 2
Adding collision to rendinst
#100 opened by VeresBalazsLaszlo - 4
DagorEngine build experience on Linux
#98 opened by boberfly - 6
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cmake or premake?
#94 opened by Valve-too - 4
Sample project for Enlisted?
#89 opened by VeresBalazsLaszlo - 10
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Confusing line when setting window resolution
#75 opened by fluffyball9 - 1
Shader compilation for DX12 failed with error while building with windows arm64
#90 opened by CodeLikeCXK - 14
Trying to compile GITest sample for windows arm64 and runs into error while compiling drv3d_DX12
#88 opened by CodeLikeCXK - 2
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Removing degenerate after editing mesh in 3dsmax 2016 would freeze 3dsmax for more than 2 hours
#72 opened by CodeLikeCXK - 0
Which material should be chose for vegetation and leaves while exporting from 3dsmax/Blender? Also why I can't delete entity for sponza map in GITest?
#82 opened by CodeLikeCXK - 2
Python versions prior to 3.3 fail for linux due to non-standard OS identification based on sys.platform
#77 opened by RandomGamingDev - 0
crypto.lib error.
#85 opened by marcikaa78 - 2
Why are there almost no updates to the repo?
#84 opened by marcikaa78 - 1
Dag4blend bake tool error
#83 opened by vmintf - 0
How to make DaRg show in-game?
#74 opened by marcikaa78 - 0