
An implementation of the Data Prototype Model with a single source for Scriptable Objects. Allows for inheritance of Scriptable Objects like Prefabs.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

ComponentInfo Prototype

An implementation of the Data Prototype Model with a single source for Scriptable Objects. Allows for inheritance of Scriptable Objects like Prefabs.

  • Optionally override any serialized property.
  • Entirely in editor, no standalone overhead.
  • Support for components to also inherit and override from scriptable objects.
  • Safety checks for circular/ self references.


See 'DebugComponentInfoAsset' & 'DebugComponent' for implementation. Your data class needs to extend 'ComponentInfo'

public class DebugComponentInfo : ComponentInfo
	[SerializeField] private int intValue;
	[SerializeField] private Vector3 position;
	[SerializeField] private Texture assetReference;

And your Scriptable Object is a concrete implementation of ComponentInfoAsset.

[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "DebugComponentInfo", menuName = "Core/DebugComponentInfo")]
public class DebugComponentInfoAsset : ComponentInfoAsset<DebugComponentInfo> { }


Untested with version control. Currently when modifying a prototype any assets inheriting from that asset would also be modified. This could cause a large number of files to be checked out. Would look into not dirtying these assets and only save when building the player.