group-project repair status completed -> c avilable -> a assigned -> x suggested -> s emergency repair -> e repair return/used flag used -> 0 returned -> 1 Item request status justCreatedBytechnician -> a suppliedByStorekeeper -> b deniedByTechnician -> c confirmedByTechnician -> d Stock Addition status completed -> 1 declined -> 2 not completed -> 0 When Revoking access, access revoked -> 1 access not revoked -> 0 (when creating a new account, this set as default value) user occuFlag, divisional secretaty ->1 Clerk ->2 Storekeeper ->3 Technician ->4 user statusFlag, reset ->0 in operation->1 suspended ->2 notification types c-lp -> to clck when tech added lamp post c-supply -> to tech when st suplly items c-acc -> to admin when new account created norm -> other notifictions fraud types a -> return item mismatch b -> bulb tick c -> retru chck not done d -> inventory mismatch