
Welcome to the Wolfen-Doo project ! This project was first created as a school project to help me learn game programming and stuff. But ultimately I wanted to make a real game out of this, in the spirit of (and you may have already guessed) Wolfenstein 3D.

What's done :

  • Fully working 3D game engine
  • Character movements and simple AABB collisions with the world
  • Map generator (from custom file or Maze generation)
  • Fully working sprite animations with configurable file
  • Particle system
  • Doors
  • Weapons (Revolver only for now)
  • Basic random Dungeon generator
  • Menus

What's left :

  • Lots of minor stuff to program
  • Advanced menus
  • Level transitions
  • Advanced Dungeon generator with customization
  • Prototype for A.I.
  • Scooby-doo and confettis
  • ...

How to play ?

Download the whole repo and double click 'start.bat' (Java is required by the way) (Windows only ATM). Controls are WASD to move around, left click shoots and middle click frees the cursor. E open doors and R reloads. 1-3 to change weapon

Game arguments

  • -skipmenu Skips the menu and automatically generates map with seed 8 (Because this seed is nice)
  • -width x Sets screen width (where x is an integer)
  • -height y Sets screen height (where y is an integer)
  • -fullscreen Sets fullscreen