
a small webGl game where u clean a mall while geting chased lol

Primary LanguageC#


Project Name A Normal Cleaning Simulator...
Authors Galactic Nebula Games
Target Audience ugly stoopid janitors.
Target Platform Mobile - Web
Feature Lock 14/11/23
Release 21/12/23


The setting is Wollongong mall. At night...


  • 3D game
  • One mechanic: Clean.
  • assets created with MS Paint/Gimp
  • WASD, Arrows and mouse to look around.

Game Objectives

  1. Use broom and hands to pick up rubbish
  2. Mop up the floor
  3. Repeat for all rooms and escape!


  • Energy
    • stamina bar at bottom
    • eat bar to refill stamina instantly
    • otherwise it will take 45 secs to fully recharge
  • Looking
    • if you look at the hallway dweller for too long will slowly fade your screen to black then play a jumscare then game over.
  • Youtube influencers
    • Sometimes you will come across a 3:am youtuber staying overnight in the mall. flash your light at them to scare them away. Otherwise don't go near them.


  • Mall location: wollongong mall. That's about it.
  • Player: a janitor wearing a dark green uniform and carring a flashlight
  • Hallway Dweller...
  • 3:00 AM YouTubers a group of teens with cameras and are invesigating the mall. flash them with your company issued flashlight to scare them a way but do not get to close to them



Future Ideas

  • 5 nights

    • Instead of one long night. span it across five nights
  • Endless mode

    • Normally you would be in 1-5 nights. A story mode. but there would be an endless mode with a timer to see how long you last.
  • Savespots.

    • tablets in story mode that let you save your progress. NOT IN ENDLESS MODE.

    -End of the story -when you complete all five nights text comes on a black screen reading "REDACTED". -The text fades away to shhow anothe text saying "New Mode Unlocked: Endless and a button going back to menu.


  • Wollongong mall

  • An ai image i created of the hallway dweller

  • A janitor lol