
Extensible ruby html table building classes.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


RenderTable is a set of extensible table building modules that make displaying tabular data easy.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'render_table'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install render_table


Rendering a table

Invoke the .render method on the table class with the template you want to render.

Within an ERB template:

<%= RenderTable::Table.render(records: User.all, header: [:id, :email, :name, :created_at]) %>

Records can be any collection that responds to .each

You can also pass .render a block:

<%= RenderTable::Table.render do |table| %>
    <% table.records = User.all
    <% table.header = [:id, :email, :name, :created_at] %>
<% end %>

Table ID and Classes

To add an id or class to the rendered table

table.table_id = 'my-table-id'
table.table_class = 'my-table-class'
<table id="my-table-id" class="my-table-class">

You can also set global defaults for thse values within an initializer.

RenderTable.configure do |config|
  config.table_id = 'table-id'
  config.table_class = 'table-class'


To override the value of a cell regardless of its header pass a hash of procedures mapped to the overriden header.

<%= RenderTable::Table.render do |table| %>
    <% table.records = User.all
    <% table.header = [:id, :not_a_real_method] %>
    <% table.override = {
        not_a_real_method: ->(_cell, _cell_index) { 'hello world' }
    } %>
<% end %>
            <td>hello world</td>

Overrides can be any object that responds to .call(record, index)

class User::NameOverride
    def self.call(record, index)

RenderTable::Table.render do |table|
    table.records = User.all
    table.header = [:id, :name]
    table.override = { name: User::NameOverride }

Row and Cell CSS

To add dynamically created class and ids to row and cell elements pass a hash of procedures mapped to the desired class/id names.


table.html[:rows][:classes] = {
    'is-user' => ->(record, _row_index) { record.is_a? User },
    'is-first' => ->(_record, row_index) { row_index.zero? }

table.html[:rows][:ids] = {
    'first' => ->(_record, row_index) { row_index.zero? },
    'last' => ->(record, _index) { record == records.last }
    <tr id="first" class="is-first is-user">...</tr>
    <tr class="is-user">...</tr>
    <tr id="last" class="is-user">...</tr>


table.html[:cells][:classes] = {
    'is-integer' => ->(cell_value, _cell_index) { cell_value == Integer },
    'is-first' => ->(_cell_value, cell_index) { cell_index.zero? },

table.html[:cells][:ids] = {
    'first' => ->(_record, cell_index) { cell_index.zero? }
    <td id="first" class="is-integer is-first">1</td>

Options Column

To add control elements to a row you can pass an inline template or file path to the 'options' attribute.

Inline Template

RenderTable::Table.render do |table|
    table.records = User.all
    table.header = [:id, :name]
    table.options = "<%= link_to 'Edit', edit_user_path(record) %>"
            <td>John Doe</td>
            <td><a href="users/1/edit/">Edit</a></td>

You may also path a file path where a template can be rendered


table.options = File.join(__dir__, './options.html.erb')

Custom table templates

To add a custom table render class, create a new class that inherits from RenderTable::Base and provide a new implementation for .template

Example Div Table template.

class RenderTable::DivTable < RenderTable::Base
  def template
      <div id="<%= table.table_id %>" class="div-table <%= table.table_class %>">
        <div class="div-table-thead">
          <div class="div-table-tr">
            <% table.header.each do |header| %>
              <div class="div-table-td"><%= header.to_s %></div>
            <% end %>
            <% if table.options %>
              <div class="div-table-td"></div>
            <% end %>
        <div class="div-table-tbody">
        <% table.rows.each do |row| %>
          <div id="<%= row.id %>" class="div-table-tr <%= row.class %>">
            <% row.cells.each do |cell| %>
              <div id="<%= cell.id %>" class="div-table-td <%= cell.class %>">
                <%= cell.value %>
            <% end %>
            <% if table.options %>
              <div class="div-table-td"><%= options_cell(row.record, row.row_index) %></div>
            <% end %>
        <% end %>

Then call .render on the newly created class.

RenderTable::DivTable.render do |table|
    table.records = User.all
    table.header = [:id, :name]

Changing defaults

To modify the default values on rendered tables call the .configuration method from a required initializer.

# config/render_table_config.rb
  RenderTable.configure do |config|
    config.table_id = 'test-table-id'
    config.table_class = 'test-table-class'
    config.cell_value = '---'
    config.html = {
        rows: {
          classes: {},
          ids: {}
        cells: {
          classes: {},
          ids: {}


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/mjmorales/render_table. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the RenderTable project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.