GalacticPlastic's Following
- Achiero
- andreacardybailey
- closeioRemote (& we're hiring!)
- codezombSalem, OR
- developerforce
- DoodlingDevthoughtbot
- etagwerker@ombulabs
- excid3@gorails-screencasts
- forcedotcom
- gorails-screencastsUnited States of America
- jasonswettSand Lake, MI
- jhawthornVictoria, Canada
- jklemon17Ruby on Rails Engineer @ValleyForgeFabrics
- kaspthCopenhagen
- kddnewton@Shopify
- KevinMulhern@yourtradebase
- kobaltzDrifting Ruby
- leopolicastro@litmus
- litmusBoston - San Francisco - London
- lynnandtonicPhoenix, AZ
- masukomiDutchie
- mdougllasGovExec
- obieLet The Music Pay, Inc. @letthemusicpay
- odooBelgium
- palkan@evilmartians
- pmd
- pragmaticstudioThe Pragmatic Studio
- searls@testdouble
- seattlerbWe will light you on fire.
- shayonj@tines
- stevebainz
- stimulus-componentsFrance
- tenderlove@Shopify
- test-prof
- topaz
- weaveupDurham, NC