
Simple App that uses h2 database to store 1 Million test user and using java thread to simulate sending emails to those users by waiting for half second.

Primary LanguageJava


Using h2 database and java thread

Simple App that uses h2 database to store 1 Million test user. It uses java threads to get partitions of users and simulte sending email by waiting for half second.

The size of the partition (page size) is calcualated based on the number of thread created as following:

int pageSize = (int) Math.ceil(1000_000/(double)totalNumberOfTasks);

The number of threads is calculated based on the number of processors in the runtime enviroment as following:

int totalNumberOfTasks = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 10;

###To run the App from termainl:

  • cd {Your project directoty}
  • ./gradlew clean
  • ./gradlew build
  • ./gradlew run --console=plain

Running from terminal


1- Create the database Command 1 2- Insert 1M test user Command 2 3- print subset of the user by inserting the limit Command 3 4- Simulate sending emails Command 4