
📷 The toolkit of HDR synthesis approaches based on alignment methods

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The toolkit of HDR synthesis approaches based on alignment methods developed by Galaxies99.


  • Python 3.7+

  • Numpy

  • Tqdm

  • OpenCV 4.4.0+, including

    • opencv-python
    • opencv-contrib-python
    • opencv-contrib-python-headless
    • opencv-contrib-python-nonfree

Getting Started

Dataset Preparation

You can refer to farbspiel photography to get HDR image dataset. Follow the instruction in Dataset part.

You are expected to arrange the dataset as follows if you are using our demo.

├── Scene1
|   ├── *.jpg/png/... (image 1)
|   ├── *.jpg/png/... (image 2)
|   ├── ...
|   ├── *.jpg/png/... (image N)
|   ├── (reference.info)
|   └── (exposure.info)
├── Scene2
|   ├── *.jpg/png/... (image 1)
|   ├── *.jpg/png/... (image 2)
|   ├── ...
|   ├── *.jpg/png/... (image N)
|   ├── (reference.info)
|   └── (exposure.info)
├── ...
└── SceneM 
    ├── *.jpg/png/... (image 1)
    ├── *.jpg/png/... (image 2)
    ├── ...
    ├── *.jpg/png/... (image N)
    ├── (reference.info)
    └── (exposure.info)

The optional exposure.info file in every scene is expected to have this format.

[image1_filename] [exposure_time] [other_info]
[image2_filename] [exposure_time] [other_info]
[imageN_filename] [exposure_time] [other_info]


  • [image_filename] is the image filename, which should be a string not contains space;
  • [exposure_time] is the exposure time, which should be a floating number of integer. Suppose the exposure time is 1/x sec, you are expected to fill x in this block;
  • [other_info] is other information, not necessary;
  • Every two consecutive parts should be divided by only one space;
  • Remember to add a 'enter' character at the end of the file;
  • If you do not have one, never mind, we can automatically detect the exposure time.

The optional reference.info file in every scene only contains the filename of the referencing image.


You may run main.py as the demo program. To run the program, you may prepare the following dataset: 'Big_City_Lights', 'Hall', 'High_Five', 'Izmir_Harbor', 'The_Marble_Hall'. You can find them in the previous website. After preparing these dataset, use the following command to run the demo.

python main.py

Function Call

You may import HDR from this folder, then use the following APIs to get what you want.

  • hdrSynthesis(images, exposures, ref_id, aligner, merger), you may find the method of the aligner and merger in the Alignment methods part and Merger method part respectively; the images and exposures are the data of the photos of different exposures; the ref_id arguments is the reference images (if no reference image, ref_id is None). This function will return an HDR image after synthesis.
  • hdrTonemapping(hdr, tonemapper), you may find the method of tonemapping in the Tonemapping methods part; the hdr argument is the HDR picture which needs tonemapping.


import HDR
from models import aligner, merger, tonemapper
hdr_img = HDR.hdrSynthesis(images, exposures, None, aligner=aligner.AlignerFeaturesSIFT())
ldr_img_after_tonemapping = HDR.hdrTonemapping(hdr_img, 
               tonemapper=tonemapper.TonemapperReinhard(gamma=1.5, intensity=0, light_adapt=0, color_adapt=0))

Demo Sample

The sample folder show the result of Izmir Harbor images synthesis.

Original Image

1/15 s1/30 s1/60 s1/100 s1/200 s1/400 s

HDR Synthesis Result (after tonemapping)

Methods Introductions

Alignment Methods

We provided the following alignment method in alignment.py, and you are free to choose the method you want to use.

  • MTB (AlignMTB(**kwargs)): MTB alignment method, which is the built-in method of OpenCV; **kwargs are the arguments of cv2.createAlignMTB().
  • MTB-Pyramid (AlignMTBPyramid(grey_approx, threshold_range, ref_id)): MTB-Pyramid alignment method published by G Ward [1]; grey_approx is the grey approximation methods, threshold_range is the median threshold range, and the ref_id is the referencing image ID.
  • Feature-based ORB (AlignFeatureORB(min_matches, match_percent, **kwargs)) (default): Feature-based ORB alignment method published by E Rublee [2]; min_matches is the minimum matching pairs, match_percent is the percentage of chosen matching pairs, and **kwargs are the argument of cv2.ORB_create().
  • Feature-based SIFT (AlignFeatureSIFT(min_matches, match_percent, **kwargs)): Feature-based SIFT alignment method published by DG Lowe [3]; min_matches is the minimum matching pairs, match_percent is the percentage of chosen matching pairs, and **kwargs are the argument of cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create(). We only use SIFT for academic purpose.
  • ECC (AlignECC(warp_mode, iteration, terminal_eps, guassFilterSize)): Enhanced Correlation Coefficient (ECC) Maximization method published by GD Evangelidis [4]; warp_mode is the warping mode in ECC (one of cv2.MOTION_AFFINE, cv2.MOTION_TRANSLATION, cv2.MOTION_EUCLIDEAN and cv2.MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY); iteration is the iteration times, terminal_eps is the terminating epsilon, guassFilterSize is the size of the guass filter used in ECC.

Merger Methods

We provide the following merger method in merger.py, and you may use the method argument to choose the method you want to use.

  • Debevec (MergerDebevec(**kwargs)) (default): Debevec merge method, which is the built-in method of OpenCV; **kwargs are the arguments of cv2.createCalibrateDebevec().
  • Robertson (MergerRobertson(**kwargs)): Robertson merge method, which is the built-in method of OpenCV; **kwargs are the arguments of cv2.createCalibrateRobertson().
  • Mertens (MergerMertens(**kwargs)): Mertens merge (fake HDR) method, which is the built-in method of OpenCV; it's worth noticing that this method produces fake HDR (that is, not real HDR, only looks like HDR) pictures; **kwargs are the arguments of cv2.createMergeMertens().

Tonemapping Methods

We provided the following tonemapping method in tonemapping.py, and you may use the method argument to choose the method you want to use.

  • Drago (TonemapperDrago()): Drago tonemapping method, which is the built-in method of OpenCV; **kwargs are the arguments of cv2.createTonemapDrago().
  • Reinhard (TonemapperReinhard()) (default): Reinhard tonemapping method, which is the built-in method of OpenCV; **kwargs are the arguments of cv2.createTonemapReinhard().
  • Mantiuk (TonemapperMantiuk()): Mantiuk tonemapping method, which is the built-in method of OpenCV; **kwargs are the arguments of cv2.createTonemapMantiuk().


[1] Ward, Greg. "Fast, robust image registration for compositing high dynamic range photographs from hand-held exposures." Journal of graphics tools 8.2 (2003): 17-30.

[2] Rublee, Ethan, et al. "ORB: An efficient alternative to SIFT or SURF." 2011 International conference on computer vision. Ieee, 2011.

[3] Lowe, David G. "Distinctive image features from scale-invariant keypoints." International journal of computer vision 60.2 (2004): 91-110.

[4] Evangelidis, Georgios D., and Emmanouil Z. Psarakis. "Parametric image alignment using enhanced correlation coefficient maximization." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 30.10 (2008): 1858-1865.