
scPacker is a python script that allows you to convert PNG files to _tex.sc files.

Primary LanguagePython


scPacker is a python script that allows you to convert PNG files to _tex.sc files, _tex.sc files are specific files used by Supercell in their own game engine.

How to use it ?

The basic usage to pack one file is:

python Main.py <filename> -p <pixeltype>


python Main.py ui_tex.png -p 0

However if you want to pack multiple files use:

python Main.py <filename1> <filename2> ... -p <pixeltype1> <pixeltype2> ...


python Main.py ui_tex.png ui_tex_.png -p 0 4

in this case ui_tex.png will be packed using pixelformat 0 and ui_tex_.png using pixelformat 4.

Warning: You should set as many pixelformats as filenames you've set.


scPacker can also takes few optionals arguments which are:

  • -lzma: if this argument is specified tex.sc file will be compressed using lzma
  • -lzham: if this argument is specified tex.sc file will be compressed using lzham
  • -zstd: if this argument is specified tex.sc file will be compressed using zstandard
  • -header: add Supercell header at the beginning of the compressed tex.sc file
  • -o: optionnal output filename for the tex.sc file, if this argument isn't specified tex.sc file will be saved as <first_packed_filename> + _tex.sc
  • -s: enable 32x32 block texture splitting, 32x32 block splitting is used in most of the original Supercell _tex.sc files

Command Example:

python Main.py loading_tex.png loading_tex_.png loading_tex__.png -p 0 4 6 -lzma -header -s -o afilename_tex.sc

How do i know which pixeltype to use if i want to pack an original texture ?

Let's take an example from an original _tex.sc files. For this example we'll use loading_tex.sc from Clash Royale.
First we'll extract the .png textures using Dumpsc.
Here is the console logs after extracting textures:


According to the logs it seems that loading_tex.png use pixelformat 0, loading_tex_.png use pixelformat 4 and loading_tex__.png use pixelformat 6.

Basically to re-pack these .png we'll use the following command:

python Main.py loading_tex.png loading_tex_.png loading_tex__.png -p 0 4 6 <optionalsargs>


To install scPacker dependencies run the following command

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt