
Primary LanguageGo


MEmu5 is an attempt to digitalise the abstract rules for the Matrix in Shadowrun 5E.

Get started

  1. Edit "playerDB.txt" to add your character using template provided.
  2. run MEmu5.exe
  3. activate your character: login>[charName] ("Decker" is the name of test character)
  4. search host: matrix search>host>[hostName]
  5. do your shadowstuff using rules in Shadowrun 5 Core Rule Book (p. 217-249)

Latest Build can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/typ2ztf1qtn9t33/AAC2CKFcq8vNDA-udDCWYwG5a?dl=0

Supported features


If you search a host that is unknown to the program, it will create a new random host with the name you added to the command. After that it will add the host to "HostDb.txt" so you are able to hack it.


IC created and remembered by the program. Implemented all ICes from Core Rule Book and Data Trails.


Implemented the Cyberdecks from Core Rule Book


implemented most of the programs from Core Rule Book and Data Trails

Dice Control

you can spend Edge using "Push the Limit", "Negate Glitch" and "Reroll" interrupt actions

What I plan to do:

  • implementations of all devices from Shadowrun5 universe
  • implementations of all Technomancer stuff (Partly done - no Sprites yet, some Complex Forms are working though)
  • implementations of all AI stuff
  • A LOT of bugs fixes
  • updating as new books and features come to SR Universe
  • Learn to do better coding ;)

I would be glad to receive:

Full (detailed) description of bugs you encounter

Ideas and maybe advice on how to do a better code

You can send it all to galdoba@mail.ru

Actions Guide

To initiate an action just type: [ACTION_NAME]>[TARGET_NAME]>[OPTIONAL_ARGUMENTS] Input is NOT caSE SEnseTiVe


login>decker	# will read "PlayerDB.txt" and get all info on character named "Decker"

"Hack on the Fly": optional arguments: "-2m", "-3m", "-pl"

hack on the fly>aresmain           # will perform HotF action on host with name "Aresmain"
hack on the fly>file 17>-2m         # will perform HotF action on file with name "File 17" with modifier -4 to Dicepool in attempt to place 2 MARKs
hack on the fly>patrol ic           # will perform HotF action on IC with name "Patrol IC"
hack on the fly>TrACk ic>-3m>-pl	# will perform HotF action on IC with name "Track IC" with modifier -10 to Dicepool in attempt to place 3 MARKs using "Push the Limits" rules

"Brute Force": optional arguments: "-2m", "-3m", "-pl"

brute force>bravo3           # will perform BF action on host with name "Bravo3"
brute force>file 17>-2m         # will perform BF action on file with name "File 17" with modifier -4 to Dicepool in attempt to place 2 MARKs
brute force>patrol ic           # will perform BF action on IC with name "Patrol IC"
brute force>TrACk ic>-3m>-pl	# will perform BF action on IC with name "Track IC" with modifier -10 to Dicepool in attempt to place 3 MARKs using "Push the Limits" rules

"Crack File": optional arguments: "-pl"

crack file>file 9           # will perform Crack file action on file with name "File 9"

"Check Overwatch Score": optional arguments: "-pl"

check overwatch score           # will perform inform player on current OS acording to rules in CRB. This is alternative to running "Baby Monitor" program

"Disarm data bomb": optional arguments: "-pl"

disarm databomb>file 9           # will perform Disarm Data Bomb action on file with name "File 9"

"Enter Host":

enter host>bravo3           # will enter to host with name "Bravo3" if player has MARK on that host

"Exit Host":

exit host           # will leave current host if player is not Link-locked

"Erase mark": optional arguments: "-pl"

erase mark           # will atempt to delete 1 random MARK placed on player (will add option to delete mark on another Icons)

"Edit File": optional arguments: "copy", "delete", "download", "encrypt"

Edit file>file 9           # will do... nothing. Will run test and change "Last Edit Date" of the file to current time. Needed mostly for RolePlaing purposes. (Not implemented properly) 
Edit file>file 9>copy           # will create a new file with ownership of the player
Edit file>file 9>delete           # will destroy file
Edit file>file 9>download           # will initiate download process. (at the end of turn (Data Processing*5) Mp will be transfered to players device
Edit file>file 9>encrypt           # will set Encryption Rating according to rules in CRB (Not implemented yet)

"Grid Hop":

grid hop>local grid           # change current grid to grid with the name "Local Grid" (so far all grids are open - will add restrictions in later versions)

"Load Program":

load program>shell           # load program "Shell". (Most programs are working and so far all available for a player. Look for descryptions in CRB and DT)

"Swap Attributes":

swap attributes>attack>sleaze           # will swap "Attack" and "Sleaze" attributes on player's device if device allows

"Swap Programs":

swap programs>armor>baby monitor           # unload program "Armor" and load program "Baby Monitor" in it's place

"Switch Interface Mode":

switch interface mode>ar       # set your mode to AR acording to rules in CRB
switch interface mode>cold       # set your mode to COLD-SIM VR acording to rules in CRB
switch interface mode>hot       # set your mode to HOT-SIM VR acording to rules in CRB

"Matrrix Perception": optional arguments: "-pl", "all"

matrix perception>all			#Scan environment (Current Host) in attempt to find hidden (silent running) icons. Will inform how many hidden icons are there and will try to spot 1 random icon
matrix perception>file 10	# scan icon with name "file 10"

"Matrix search": optional arguments: "-pl"

matrix search>host>alpha        # will initiate search for icon type "Host" with name "Alpha" (will take few combat turns acording to rules in Core Rule Book)
matrix search>file>system log   # will initiate search for icon type "File" with random name and filename "SYSTEM_LOG" (will take few combat turns acording to rules in Core Rule Book)

"Wait": (Nessesary after you initiated search or download)

wait                #wait until End of Combat Turn
wait>14             #drop players initiative by 14
wait>-ev            #wait until any "Search" or "Download" process is complete

"Infuse [ATTARIBUTE]": (Available ONLY for Technomancers)

Infuse attack>self>-L4             #Tread Complex Form "Infusion of Attack" with Level 4 on self
Infuse firewall>Patrol IC>-L7            #Tread Complex Form "Infusion of Firewall" with Level 7 on Patrol IC (Why would you do that?)

"Diffuse [ATTARIBUTE]": (Available ONLY for Technomancers)

Diffuse attack>Trace IC>-L4             #Tread Complex Form "Diffusion of Attack" with Level 4 on Tarce IC


All products related to Shadowrun are the property of Catalyst Game Labs. If you interested in what this stuf is about please check their page: https://www.catalystgamelabs.com/