
Lorem Ipsum AI is a software product for video hosting that can detect illegal content with proper configuration of prohibited objects, issue a verdict and send it for moderation to video hosting staff to make a final decision on the fate of a video uploaded by a user.

for stable work you needed:

  1. install python3.7 (https://www.python.org/downloads/) or (sudo apt install python3.7)
  2. install nodejs (https://nodejs.org/en/download/)

framework's and library's

Installing dependencies

  1. run 'librarys.bat' in project folder or install separately

Node js:

  1. In your cmd input next in the root directory of project: npm install


  1. pip install tensorflow==1.14
  2. pip install Keras==2.1.2
  3. pip install Numpy
  4. pip install SciPy
  5. pip install opencv-python
  6. pip install Pillow
  7. pip install Matplotlib
  8. pip install H5py
  9. pip install imageai
  1. Download MongoDB

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Choose your operating system

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2. Install the downloaded package and go to the installed directory Go to bin folder

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3. Open the console with the keyboard shortcut shift + right mouse button. Aslo you can open default cmd.

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4. Enter the following command to create a database: # mongod --dbpath DISK:/yourdirectory If you using powerShell you need enter next command: # .\mongod --dbpath DISK:/yourdirectory

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And you got it!

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5. If all is well, then in the directory you specified you will find the database files

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6. Go to to mongoDB folder and run mongo.exe

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Here you can directly work with the database. Congratulations!

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For dev:start project enter in your cmd:

npm run start:dev

or run 'start_dev.bat' in project folder

donwload file (https://mega.nz/file/CkQSkKJQ#ry5qLJI95Nq3VzpsSbVA67PdhKeM3mlhRXbHxV1xEU0) and paste him into root directory of project