
My personal template for python packages

Primary LanguagePython


This is my personal template for creating python packages. This is heavily inspired from audreyfeldroy/cookiecutter-pypackage. The main additional features are:

  • Move the CI to github actions to avoid depending on a third party tool
  • Add pre-commit to enforce code linting and formatting
  • Add broken link checker in documentation
  • Add codecov integration
  • Have an opinionated development workflow:
    • the "create-release-candidate" manual button in the "Actions" section opens a PR with version bumps
    • Click the "publish" manual workflow to trigger PyPI deployment
  • Enforce SemVer

How to use it

Install cookiecutter in a conda environment and run it to create the project locally:

conda create -n cc_env python=3.7 -y
conda activate cc_env
pip install cookiecutter
cookiecutter gh:Galileo-Galilei/cookiecutter-pypackage

Push to github:

git init
git add .
git commit -am ":tada: Creating the project structure"
git push -u origin main

Then you have to set up the following external connections:

  • Go to Codecov and import your project. You will get a CODECOV_TOKEN to add to your github secrets.
  • Go to Snyk and import your project.
  • Go to Read the Docs and import your project.
  • In your Github repository, go to Settings > Secrets and add the following keys:
  • In your Github repository, go to Settings > Webhooks and add the following keys:
    • Read the Docs
    • Snyk