Introduction to kedro-mlflow

What are kedro and mlflow?

kedro is a framework about building efficient data science pipelines in python and mlflow is a library which manages the lifecycle of machine learning models.

Why a plugin?

mlflow is extremely to use in a new project: you can just start logging the relevant objects inside your functions:

def my_func(param1, param2, data):
   mlflow.log_param("param1", param1)
   mlflow.log_param("param2", param2)
   trained_model, metric =train_model(data)
   mlflow.log_metric("auc", metric)
   mlflow.log_model("my_model", trained_model)

This [breaks many of kedro principles and sofware engineering best practices](https://kedro-mlflow.readthedocs.The advantages of a plugin are:

  • the logging is treated as I/O operations and is decoupled from the compute, so functions are reusable outside of a mlflow setup
  • configuration is managed automagically (kedro-mlflow uses hooks inside the hood which are automatically registered, so installing the package "just work").
  • each object as a clear place in the template which improves readability and reduces maintenance costs
  • updates are easy: we just need to bump a dependency version

Motivation 1 : automatic tracking

Switch to kedro-mlflow-tutorial.

git clone
cd kedro-mlflow-tutorial
conda create -n kedro_mlflow_tutorial python=3.9
conda activate kedro_mlflow_tutorial
pip install -e src
  1. Look a the configuration file mlflow.yml which was generated with kedro mlflow init command.
  2. Let's vizualize the pipeline first with kedro viz
  3. look at etl_instances and etl_labels codes. They emulate querying a "real" dataset, e.g. from a sql storage and create an instance dataset as a csv.
  4. Run the pipelines with kedro run -p etl_instances and kedro run -p etl_labels.
  5. Open the mlflow UI: kedro mlflow ui
  6. Parameters and tags have been created automatically 🎉 #

Motivation 2: advanced tracking

  1. Let's vizualize the pipeline first with kedro viz
  2. look at training and inference codes. They represent a training pipeline and the associated inference one: notice that it is extremely similar to scikit-learn fit and transform 💡.
  3. Run the pipelines with kedro run -p training.
  4. Open the mlflow UI: kedro mlflow ui
  5. Notice that we logged metrics, a picture as artifact, and always more parameters (thanks to advanced configuration and catalog datasets, show the code!).

Motivation 3: a mlops framework

Switch entirely to kedro mlflow tutorial and showcase pipeline_ml_factory