
Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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Create a static allocator in your root module:

use linked_list_allocator::LockedHeap;

static ALLOCATOR: LockedHeap = LockedHeap::empty();

Before using this allocator, you need to init it:

pub fn init_heap() {
    let heap_start = …;
    let heap_end = …;
    let heap_size = heap_end - heap_start;
    unsafe {
        ALLOCATOR.lock().init(heap_start, heap_size);


  • use_spin (default): Provide a LockedHeap type that implements the GlobalAlloc trait by using a spinlock.
  • alloc_ref: Provide an implementation of the unstable AllocRef trait.
    • Warning: The AllocRef trait is still regularly changed on the Rust side, so expect some regular breakage when using this feature.


This crate is dual-licensed under MIT or the Apache License (Version 2.0). See LICENSE-APACHE and LICENSE-MIT for details.