FPGA DE10-Lite golden top

All on-board hardware is exposed

  • Clock
  • Seven segment display
  • Push Keys
  • LEDs
  • Switches
  • VGA output (RGB444)
  • Accelerometer
  • Arduino
  • GPIO

It also contains an instance of a Megafunction PLL clock generator

See more info at: http://de10-lite.terasic.com


  • MAX 10 10M50DAF484C7G Device
  • Integrated dual ADCs, each ADC supports 1 dedicated analog input and 8 dual function pins
  • 50K programmable logic elements
  • 1,638 Kbits M9K Memory
  • 5,888 Kbits user flash memory
  • 144 18 × 18 Multiplier
  • 4 PLLs


  • 64MB SDRAM, x16 bits data bus

Some important Files

ext description
*.cdf programmer chain
*.ppf Megafunction config
*.qip Megafunction config
*.qpf Quartus II Project File
*.qsf Quartus II Setting File
*.sdc Synopsis Design Constraints