
The BESSPIN Voting System. This system is used to demonstrate and red team SSITH secure CPUs.

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The BESSPIN Voting System

Galois and Free & Fair, May-September 2019


Galois and Free & Fair are pleased to present the BESSPIN Voting System (BVS).

The BESSPIN Voting System (BVS) is a demonstration system being funded by DARPA’s SSITH (System Security Integrated Through Hardware and Firmware) program. SSITH’s goal is to develop new technologies that will enable chip designers to safeguard hardware against all known classes of software-exploitable vulnerabilities, such as memory errors, information leakage, and code injection.

The BVS demonstration system is intended to showcase the SSITH program’s results by showing how the innovations of “securitized hardware” could be applied to a type of critical computing system that is personally familiar both in use and in importance to millions of Americans: voting systems. BVS is a combination of voting-system demonstration software together with prototypes of securitized hardware being developed by SSITH researchers.

This public repository provides prospective adversarial testers with complete information, tools, specifications, and source code that was used to develop the 2019 release of the BVS. The intent is to provide the most open possible approach to testing, enabling testers to obtain the full build environment for the BVS, to build it from original sources, assess its strengths and weaknessess, and plan and develop possible exploits to compromise the BVS.

However, not every tester will wish to start with this “Build First” approach. Others may wish to begin with the “Attacker Quickstart” information in order to learn and use the tools and reference exploits provided for testers. Still others may wish to learn about the BVS with a more manageable “short list” of documentation and information, rather than exploring the full repository.

For All Testers

All testers should begin by reading the Overview of BESSPIN Voting System document at the top level of this repository. This document provides essential information about the current BVS release, the 2019 goals, and limits on testing including the threat model and win conditions.

Attacker Quickstart

The top-level directory Attacker-Quickstart provides the next level of information after the Overview of BESSPIN Voting System document document, specifically about the facilities provided for exploit development.

Documentation on BVS

The top-level directory BVS-Documents provides the next level of information after the Overview of BESSPIN Voting System document, about the BVS system’s design and functions.

System design documentation is found in the docs directory. In particular, that directory contains:

Support for System Build

The remainder of this repository provides the ability to build the BVS including source code source; specifications specs; hardware sketches and schematics hardware; documentation of the build environment developer-documents; the top-level Makefile and related files (burn_to_flash.sh, startup.gdb); and .git* files.

In addition, there is one other source directory for a component that is not part of the BVS per se, but is part of the test environment. The http-log-listener directory has the source code for a software component that runs on a separate dedicated server that shares the test environment’s LAN with the BVS Smart Ballot Box systems. The logging software’s purpose is to receive log data sent by each Smart Ballot Box. Such log consolidation is an important convenience for the operators of the test environment to be able to view the activity occuring on the Smart Ballot Box units as the testers interact with them.

This repository also contains submodules for dependencies that we manage in other git repositories:

  • the RISC-V port of FreeRTOS, which is the lightweight real-time OS used for the BVS Smart Ballot Box;
  • the top-level toolset for the BESSPIN project;
  • the “government furnished equipment” (GFE) repository, which contains bitstreams to be uploaded on the FPGAs, and nix shell scripts for build set-up.

In order to update those submodules, remember to either clone the repository using the --recursive switch or use the git submodule update --init --recursive command to update the submodules.

The system build process relies on several technologies:

  • The core components of the BVS are implemented in the C programming language, using the gcc and clang (LLVM) compilers. C is used because the BVS must run on both COTS hardware and SSITH secure RISC-V CPUs, and because some SSITH performers are building customized versions of the LLVM compiler.
  • SSITH CPUs are all based upon the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). Thus, if we must provide any low-level code blobs for the BVS in assembly or binary format, they will be written in RISC-V assembly code. Currently there is no such code, nor is it necessary at the moment.
  • High level specification of BVS is specified using the Lando specification language, developed under the remit of the BESSPIN project at Galois. Lando is a system specification language geared toward describing the shape, structure, behavior, and security of high-assurance systems spanning hardware, firmware, and software.
  • More detailed and low-level specifications of the BVS are written in multiple formal languages. These include Cryptol, a DSL for specifying and reasoning about bit-level algorithms, particularly cryptographic algorithms and protocols, and ACSL, the ANSI/ISO C Specification Language, for specifying and reasoning about the behavior of C programs.

How to Contribute: Testing the BVS

We welcome all testers to not only perform testing, but also contribute exploits to this repo. For those attending DEF CON 2019 or subsequent testing events, the contents of this repo provide ample resources for detailed preparation, or minimal preparation via the Attacker Quickstart guide.

Live Red Teaming

The following lists the specific steps for how testers’ exploits can be contributed in a live red teaming framing.

  1. Finish reading this README, and the overview document Overview of BESSPIN Voting System. Make careful note of the threat model and win conditions of the system. Only exploits that are in-scope and also meet the win conditions with be recognized publicly as as “win” on the system.

  2. Choose a target machine. At DEF CON we have three systems available for hacking:

  • A baseline RISC-V microcontroller that has no security enhancements. This system can be used to test our your exploits on insecure hardware to ensure that they work as expected.
  • An open hardware, open source CHERI-RISC-V processor developed by SRI and the University of Cambridge.
  • A blackbox proprietary secure RISC-V processor.
  1. Experiment with an existing exploit in the Attacker-Quickstart directory, or write an entirely new exploit. In order to test the exploit, you can either run it in software simulation using Verilator, or you can load it onto the target machine you have chosen. We suggest first simulating or loading it into a baseline RISC-V processor.

  2. Ensure that your exploit provides third-party reviewable/demonstrable evidence that the exploit was successful. For some exploits, this might be realized via a physical mechanism (i.e., you will demonstrate it to organizers interactively at DEF CON), and for others, there may be digital evidence (i.e., a tampered system log).

  3. When you are ready to contribute your exploit, create a personal fork of this repository, so that you can provide a merge/pull request when you wish to share it with the world and demonstrate its capability. We suggest that your exploit be shared in the Attacker-Quickstart directory, with a subdirectory with contents that follow the conventions of the reference attacks.

  4. File an issue in this repo announcing your work to the test organizers. In that issue, point to your fork.

  5. In the issue body and using the red-team labels, please summarize your exploit, including indicating which legal weakness you exploited (e.g., labels buffer/memory error or information leakage), the behavior of the exploit on insecure hardware, its behavior on one of the secure hardware systems, and what evidence it provides of your success. Indicate which CPU you targeted with the appropriate label, e.g. baseline, SRI/Cambridge, proprietary.

  6. Talk to an organizer to indicate that you have filed an issue so that we can discuss your work face-to-face if desired. Organizers will immediately triage your issue and/or merge request.

  7. Organizers will review the exploit and will keep you and the public up to date about their findings via a public discussion on the issue, by using workflow labels under review, success, fail, etc. "Success" in the context of a label means that the exploit works on that CPU; "fail" means that it does not. Additional labels are used by organizers to label exploits or other code for future analysis.

  8. Pay attention to the live screens in the testing venue, to see if your exploit succeeds or fails.

  9. If your exploit is successful (a CPU-hack label is applied), organizers will summarize your work and success in public information on the projection screens at DEF CON or on social media.

Asynchronous Red Teaming

@todo kiniry To be written.


This DARPA-funded R&D represents the hard work of the following employees of Galois and Free & Fair:

  • Alexander Bakst
  • Annie Cherkaev
  • Dan Wallach
  • Dan Zimmmerman
  • Daniel Wagner
  • Dragan Stosic
  • Dylan Hand
  • Eric Wolridge
  • Flemming Andersen
  • Georgios Dimou
  • Haneef Mubarak
  • Jason Graalum
  • Joe Kiniry
  • Joey Dodds
  • John Sebes
  • Kenny Foner
  • Luke Myers
  • Max Waugaman
  • Michael Podhradsky
  • Nes Cohen
  • Niki Carroll
  • Noah Rich
  • Parker Southwick
  • Reuben Broadfoot
  • Rod Chapman
  • Shpatar Morina
  • Steven Osborn
  • Stuart Pernsteiner

The BMD we are using for DEF CON 2019 is based upon the open source BMD developed by our friends at Voting Works. Thanks especially to Ben Adida.

Our fork of Voting Works's BMD for our DEF CON 2019 demonstration is found on GitHub: https://github.com/GaloisInc/BESSPIN-BMD-2019

This material is based upon work supported by the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) under Contract No. HR0011-18-C-0013. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of DARPA.

Distribution Statement "A" (Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited)


For a glossary of voting system terminology, see Free & Fair's Election Glossary project at GitHub. That glossary is, at the moment, a transliteration of the NIST VVSG glossary with terms added according to our project needs.

We also have an informal domain model specified in BON, found in the Specifications project at GitHub. That domain model will be updated during BVS 2020 development.