
Primary LanguageHaskellOtherNOASSERTION


The ambient tool is a static binary verification tool for proving that weird machines in programs do (or do not) execute without errors under a variety of environmental conditions.

See the requirements and design documents in the doc directory for more details on the motivation and structure of the verifier:


To build the verifier, first clone this repository with:

git clone git@gitlab-ext.galois.com:ambient/verifier.git
cd verifier
git submodule update --init

Note: if these steps complete successfully, the directories in submodules/ will be populated (not empty).

Important: do not use --recursive - it's not needed, and will result in downloading unnecessary content.

The verifier is built with the GHC Haskell compiler (versions 8.10, 9.0, and 9.2). To get the compiler, use your distribution packages or the ghcup tool:

ghcup install ghc 9.2.5
ghcup install cabal

Then, in the verifier directory:

ln -s cabal.project.dist cabal.project
ulimit -n 2560 # Might be required on OSX.
cabal update && cabal configure -w ghc-9.2.5 pkg:ambient-verifier
cabal build pkg:ambient-verifier

Note that there is an optional dependency on a C compiler (gcc by default) that is used when running C overrides. (See the "User-specified Function Overrides" section for more details.)


Functionality in the verifier is broken into subcommands:

  • verify: Verify a given binary with inputs satisfies verification conditions
  • test-overrides: Run tests present in user override files

More details on available options for the top level verifier, as well as the various subcommands can be found using --help:

cabal run exe:ambient-verifier -- --help
cabal run exe:ambient-verifier -- verify --help
cabal run exe:ambient-verifier -- test-overrides --help

To run the verifier's test suite, run:

cabal run test:ambient-tests

To record the results of a test suite run to a junit.xml file, run:

cabal run test:ambient-tests -- --xml=junit.xml


The verifier includes functionality for profiling its performance. To generate a profiling report, pass --profile-to <DIR> to an invocation of verify. This will generate a <DIR>/profile.html file that can be viewed in a web browser. The data that this HTML file presents will be periodically regenerated as the verifier runs on the program. A typical example looks like:


The profiling report presents a hierarchical view of the functions that are invoked during the simulation of a program. The x-axis represents the time, and the y-axis shows the call stack depth, counting from zero at the bottom. Each stack frame is given a score based on some simulator heuristics (the time spent simulating it, its number of allocations, its numbers of merges, etc.). Generally speaking, the higher the score, the more likely it is to be a performance bottleneck.


There is also a nightly Docker image that gets built after each commit to the master branch. To run the verifier through Docker, take a verifier command and replace the cabal run exe:ambient-verifier -- bit with docker run artifactory.galois.com:5017/nightly:

docker run artifactory.galois.com:5017/nightly --help
docker run artifactory.galois.com:5017/nightly verify --help
docker run artifactory.galois.com:5017/nightly test-overrides --help

The verifier's test suite can also be run through Docker, although it requires changing the entrypoint to use ambient-tests instead:

docker run --entrypoint ambient-tests artifactory.galois.com:5017/nightly

To record the results of a test suite run to a junit.xml file, run:

docker run --entrypoint ambient-tests --volume $(pwd):/test-output artifactory.galois.com:5017/nightly --xml=/test-output/junit.xml

The --volume $(pwd):/test-output mounts the current directory to /test-output in the container so that when the test suite records the results to /test-output/junit.xml, the junit.xml file is copied back to the current directory on your host machine.

User-specified Function Overrides

When verifying programs, it is almost always useful to be able to stub out program functionality that is not important for the verification. For example, one may want to turn calls to printf into no-ops to significantly speed up verification. Normally, these function overrides are written in Haskell; this is expressive, but not user friendly (end users are unlikely to know Haskell or to have a Haskell build environment available).

To better support end users, and enable faster experimentation, ambient-verifier supports defining custom overrides in the following languages:

  • The crucible syntax language, which is based on a simple s-expression grammar. The concrete syntax is documented in the crucible-syntax repository. In addition to the base constructs provided by the core concrete syntax, ambient-verifier supports additional primitives.


    (defun @padd ((p1 Pointer) (p2 (Bitvector 64))) Pointer
      (start start:
        (let res (pointer-add p1 p2))
        (return res)))
  • A limited subset of the C language, which we compile into crucible syntax. See the overrides-dsl repository for more information. Note that this is not currently at feature parity with crucible syntax overrides, so if you encounter a missing feature, please open an issue at this issue tracker.


    int abs(int x) {
        int ret = x;
        if(x < 0) {
            ret = -x;
        return ret;

    Note that the verifier uses a C compiler to preprocess the C file, so a C compiler must be available on your PATH. By default, the verifier looks for gcc, but this can be overridden using the --with-cc option.

A directory containing overrides can be specified to the verifier using the --overrides command line option. The overrides directory in this repo contains various overrides that we have curated for particular applications.

Directory Conventions

The --overrides <DIR> option expects the name of a directory DIR whose contents look like:

├── function/
│   ├── fun1.cbl
│   ├── fun2.cbl
│   ├── fun3.c
│   ├── fun4.c
│   └── ...
└── overrides.yaml (optional)

The function subdirectory contains .cbl and .c files for crucible syntax and C overrides, respectively. Each of these file should be named after the function that should be overridden. For instance, printf.cbl would correspond to an override for the printf function.

The overrides.yaml is an optional file that can be present if one desires more fine-grained control over which functions in a binary should receive particular overrides. The contents of an overrides.yaml file will look like this:

function address overrides:
    0x123: "foo"
    0x456: "bar"
    0x123: "baz"
    0x456: "quux"

startup overrides:
- "start1"
- "start2"
- ...


  • function address overrides specifies an optional mapping from function addresses to override names. This can be useful for situations where a function in a binary has no corresponding symbol name (for instance, as in stripped binaries). A separate mapping is specified for each binary or shared library. The name that each address maps to must correspond the name of an override file in the function subdirectory (not including the file extension).

    Note that the mapping only cares about the file names of each binary and does not care about the parent directories. For example, if the verifer is invoked on /foo/bar/main.exe, then the overrides.yaml only needs to specify main.exe, not its full path.

  • startup overrides specifies a list of overrides to run at the very start of simulating a binary, before the entry point (e.g., main) is run. Each override will be run in the order it appears in the list. Each startup override is expected to have no arguments and return Unit. Attempting to specify a startup override with a different type will result in an error before simulation begins.

    A key use case for startup overrides is for initializing the values of global variables, especially in conjunction with the get-global-pointer-addr, get-global-pointer-named, and malloc-global functions. This can serve as a more straightforward way to initialize global state than, say, simulating everything in glibc's _start function.

Override Precedence

Override names that appear in function address overrides take precedence over other overrides. To illustrate how this works, suppose a user specifies --overrides DIR, where the contents of DIR are the following:

├── function/
│   ├── foo.cbl
│   └── bar.cbl
└── overrides.yaml

Where the contents of overrides.yaml are as follows:

function address overrides:
    0x123: "bar"

Now suppose that the verifier encounters a function in main.exe at address 0x123 named foo. Although there is a foo.cbl override present, the function address overrides mapping also maps the address 0x123 to bar. In such situations, the function address overrides take higher precedence, so the verifier will use the bar override.


Each <name>.{cbl,c} file is expected to define a function named @<name>. For instance, an add_bvs.cbl file should define an @add_bvs function, e.g.:

(defun @add_bvs ((x (Bitvector 32)) (y (Bitvector 32))) (Bitvector 32)
  (start start:
    (let sum (+ x y))
    (return sum)))

An override file is also permitted to define other functions. These functions are considered local to the file defining it and are not visible to other files. For instance, an alternative way to implement add_bvs.cbl would be:

(defun @add_bvs ((x (Bitvector 32)) (y (Bitvector 32))) (Bitvector 32)
  (start start:
    (let res (funcall @add_bvs_2 x y))
    (return res)))

; Local to this file
(defun @add_bvs_2 ((x (Bitvector 32)) (y (Bitvector 32))) (Bitvector 32)
  (start start:
    (let sum (+ x y))
    (return sum)))

An override file is allowed to invoke functions defined in other override files by way of forward declarations. A forward declaration states the type of a function that is not defined in the file itself, but will be provided later by some other means. For instance, suppose that @add_bvs_2 were defined in its own .cbl file and that you want to invoke it from add_bvs.cbl. To do so, one must declare add_bv_2's type using a forward declaration in add_bvs.cbl:

(declare @add_bvs_2 ((x (Bitvector 32)) (y (Bitvector 32))) (Bitvector 32))

(defun @add_bvs ((x (Bitvector 32)) (y (Bitvector 32))) (Bitvector 32)
  (start start:
    (let res (funcall @add_bvs_2 x y))
    (return res)))

The verifier will ensure that the invocation of add_bvs_2 will be resolved to the same function defined in add_bvs_2.cbl. The verifier will raise an error if it cannot find a function of the same name, or if it finds a function with a different type than what is stated in the forward declaration.

Currently, forward declarations can be resolved to overrides defined in other override files as well as overrides that are built into the verifier (e.g., the override for memcpy). Note that forward declarations cannot be used to resolve functions that are local to a particular override file. Resolving forward declarations to functions defined in binaries is not currently supported.


One main type addition is for representing pointers:

  • Pointer

Unlike C/C++, these pointers are untyped and essentially correspond to uint8_t*.

ambient-verifier also adds a few wrappers around Bitvector types for portability and convenience:

  • Byte is an alias for Bitvector 8.
  • Int is an alias for Bitvector 32.
  • Long is an alias for Bitvector 32 on Arm32 and Bitvector 64 on X86_64.
  • PidT is an alias for Bitvector 32.
  • Short is an alias for Bitvector 16.
  • SizeT is an alias for Bitvector 32 on Arm32 and Bitvector 64 on X86_64.
  • UidT is an alias for Bitvector 32.


The extra operations supported in ambient-verifier are:

  • bv-typed-literal :: Type -> Integer -> Bitvector w where the first argument is a Bitvector type alias (see the Types section), the second argument is the value the Bitvector should contain, and w is the number of bits in the returned Bitvector (will match the width of the Type argument).
  • fresh-vec :: String Unicode -> forall (t :: Type) -> Nat -> Vector t, where (fresh-vec s t n) generates a length-n vector where each element is a fresh constant of type t with the name <s>_<i> (for each i between 0 and <n> - 1). Note that t must be a scalar type (e.g., no nested Vectors), and s and n must both be concrete values.
  • make-null :: Pointer returns a null pointer.
  • pointer-add :: Pointer -> Bitvector w -> Pointer where w is the number of bits in a pointer (usually 32 or 64).
  • pointer-diff :: Pointer -> Pointer -> Bitvector w where w is the number of bits in a pointer (usually 32 or 64).
  • pointer-sub :: Pointer -> Bitvector w -> Pointer where w is the number of bits in a pointer (usually 32 or 64).
  • pointer-eq :: Pointer -> Pointer -> Bool.
  • pointer-read :: forall (t :: Type) -> Endianness -> Pointer -> t where the first argument is the type of the value to read and the second argument is le or be. Type must either be Bitvector (8 * w) (for some positive number w) or one of the type aliases listed above.
  • pointer-write :: forall (t :: Type) -> Endianness -> Pointer -> t -> Unit where the first argument is the type of the value to read and the second argument is le or be. Type must either be Bitvector (8 * w) (for some positive number w) or one of the type aliases listed above.

Built-in Overrides

There are some overrides that are built-in to the verifier, as they cannot easily be defined in terms of the primitives that the syntax override language provides. The following overrides can be invoked from both binaries and syntax overrides:

  • accept :: Int -> Pointer -> Pointer -> Int
  • bind :: Int -> Pointer -> SizeT -> Int
  • calloc :: SizeT -> SizeT -> Pointer
  • close :: Int -> Int
  • connect :: Int -> Pointer -> SizeT -> Int
  • execve :: Pointer -> Pointer -> Pointer -> Int
  • exit :: Int -> Void
  • free :: Pointer -> Unit
  • getppid :: PidT
  • listen :: Int -> Int -> Int
  • recv :: Int -> Pointer -> SizeT -> Int -> SizeT
  • malloc :: SizeT -> Pointer
  • memcpy :: Pointer -> Pointer -> SizeT -> Pointer
  • memset :: Pointer -> Int -> SizeT -> Pointer
  • mkdir :: Pointer -> SizeT -> Int
  • open :: Pointer -> Int -> SizeT -> Int
  • read :: Int -> Pointer -> SizeT -> SizeT
  • send :: Int -> Pointer -> SizeT -> Int -> SizeT
  • shmat :: Int -> Pointer -> Int -> Pointer
  • shmget :: SizeT -> SizeT -> Int -> Int
  • socket :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
  • read :: Int -> Pointer -> SizeT -> SizeT
  • write :: Int -> Pointer -> SizeT -> SizeT

The following overrides can be invoked from both binaries and syntax overrides, but with the limitation that they can only be invoked from syntax overrides without any variadic arguments:

  • sprintf :: Pointer -> Pointer -> ... -> Int
  • sscanf :: Pointer -> Pointer -> ... -> Int

The following overrides can only be invoked from syntax overrides:

  • malloc-global :: SizeT -> Pointer is like malloc, except that it is explicitly meant for allocating memory for use in global variables.

  • read-bytes :: Pointer -> Vector (Bitvector 8) reads a null-terminated, sequence of bytes from the Pointer. The null terminator at the end of the sequence of bytes will be concrete, but the preceding bytes may be symbolic. Unlike read-c-string, this function reads the raw bytes without converting to a particular text encoding.

  • read-c-string :: Pointer -> String Unicode reads a null-terminated, UTF-8–encoded, concrete string from the Pointer and converts it to a String. Representing it as a String can be more convenient in the syntax override language, as it is easier to manipulate and check for equality.

  • write-bytes :: Vector (Bitvector 8) -> Pointer writes a sequence of bytes to a Pointer, including a null terminator (which does not need to be in the Vector). The null terminator written at the end will be concrete, but the preceding bytes may be symbolic. Unlike write-c-string, this function writes the raw bytes without converting to a particular text encoding. For example, to write the string "abc", supply (vector (bv 8 97) (bv 8 98) (bv 8 99)) as an argument, as the bytes 97, 98, and 99 correspond to the numeric values of the a, b, and c characters, respectively.

  • write-c-string :: Pointer -> String Unicode -> Unit writes a UTF-8–encoded, concrete string to a Pointer, including a null terminator.

    Note that in order to write an escaped Unicode character, one must supply an extra backslash. For instance, to write the character, supply the string "\\9731". Note that some Unicode characters require multiple bytes in the UTF-8 encoding, so make sure that the Pointer has enough space allocated to store all of the bytes.

  • print-pointer :: Pointer -> String Unicode converts a pointer to a string representation. This prints the pointer as (block, offset), or simply offset if block is 0.

The following overrides can only be invoked from syntax overrides when using the verify command, as they require interfacing with a binary. Attempting to use any of these overrides from the test-overrides command (which operates independently of any binary) will result in an error:

  • get-global-pointer-addr :: String Unicode -> SizeT -> Pointer will return a pointer to a global variable, where:

    • The first argument must be a concrete string that indicates the binary in which the global variable is defined.
    • The second argument must be a concrete address for the global variable.

    Note that only the file names of the binary needs to be specified, not the full path. For example, if a global variable is located in /foo/bar/main.exe, then the first argument should simply be main.exe.

  • get-global-pointer-named :: String Unicode -> String Unicode -> Pointer will return a pointer to a global variable, where

    • The first argument must be a concrete string that indicates the binary in which the global variable is defined.
    • The second argument must be a concrete string that indicates the name of for the global variable. At present, only unversioned names are supported.

    The same caveats about full paths mentioned in get-global-pointer-addr also apply to get-global-pointer-named.

Global Variables

Overrides may declare global variables using defglobal at the top level:

(defglobal $$varname Type)

The verifier permits global variable declarations anywhere in the top level, including after their use sites. Global variables are scoped to the files they are declared in. The verifier instantiates global variables as fresh symbolic values. To change the value of a global variable, use set-global!:

(set-global! $$varname value)

A .cbl file can also access global variables defined externally by using an extern. An extern declaration states the type of a global variable that is not defined in the file itself, but will be provided later by some other means. (Externs are to global variables what forward declarations are to functions.)

For instance, suppose we have overrides for functions named f and g, where f defines a global variable:

(defglobal $$f-glob Int)

(defun @f () Unit
  (start start:
    (let val (bv-typed-literal Int 42))
    (set-global! $$f-glob val)
    (return ())))

And g accesses f's global variable:

(extern $$f-glob Integer)

(defun @g () Int
  (start start:
    (return $$f-glob))

Suppose that we first invoke f, then g. By the time that g is invoked, the value of $$f-glob will already have been set to 42, so g will return 42.

Currently, externs can be resolved to global variables defined in other override files. Note that the verifier will raise an error if it cannot find a global variable of the same name, or if it finds a global variable with a different type than what is stated in the extern declaration. Resolving externs to global variables defined in binaries is not currently supported.

Built-in Global Variables

There are some global variables that are built in to the verifier itself and are accessible via extern declarations. These global variables are often useful in startup overrides, as they can be written to particular locations in the binary before simulating the entry point function.

  • AMBIENT_environ :: Pointer: An array of KEY=VALUE pairs representing each environment variable. This has the same contents as the envp argument to the main() function. (See the "main() Arguments" section.)


Crucible syntax files may optionally contain functions starting with @test_ that use assert! to test the behavior of an override. Under normal operation the verifier ignores these test functions, but when run with the test-overrides subcommand the verifier will execute any test functions it finds and report test results. The test-overrides subcommand has two mandatory options:

  • --overrides must point to the directory containing crucible syntax overrides.
  • --abi must be either X86_64Linux or AArch32Linux. This flag sets the ABI to use when interpreting crucible syntax overrides. For example, using the X86_64Linux will cause the verifier to execute function override tests using the X86_64 Bitvector type aliases.

Memory Model Configurations

There are various pre-set configurations for controlling the behavior of how memory is represented during simulation. These configurations can be selected with the --memory-model MODEL-NAME flag, where MODEL-NAME must be one of the following:

  • default: The default memory model. Each call to malloc or calloc allocates a single, contiguous region of memory on the verifier's heap model.
  • bump-allocator: There is a single allocation representing the entire heap, and there is a global variable pointing to the start of unused memory in the heap. Each call to malloc or calloc will hand out some unused memory from the heap and bump the global variable accordingly.

Note that the choice of allocator may affect the number of goals that the verifier produces. As a result, running the verifier on a program with one allocator may produce failing goals that would not arise with a different choice of allocator.

Entry Points

By default, the verifier begins simulating binaries at the main() function rather than _start(). This is because the implementations of _start() in glibc (related issue) and musl (related issue) often give the verifier trouble. Beginning at main() is usually an effective workaround, but this comes at the expense of skipping initialization-related code in _start(), which may be important for certain binaries. If you are brave start simulation at a different entry point, you can do so with the --entry-point-name <function-name> option.

Note that the verifier is only able to discover a main() function is the binary contains the relevant function symbol. If a binary is stripped, however, then the verifier will not be able to discover the main symbol and will give up as a result. To work around this problem, one can manally specify the address of the entry point function (be in main() or otherwise) with the --entry-point-addr <function-address> option.

main() Arguments

If main() is the entry point function for your binary, you may want to supply arguments or environment variables to it. These can be specified with the following command-line arguments:

  • --argv0 <ARG> specifies the name of the first command-line argument to pass to the process (i.e., argv[0]). Usually, this is the name of the binary itself, so if --argv0 is not specified, its value will default to the --binary path.

  • --argument <ARG> specifies a command-line argument to pass to the process. In other words, these specify all of the elements of the argv array besides the first one. This can be supplied multiple times to pass multiple arguments (e.g., --argument foo --argument bar ....

  • --env-var <KEY>=<VALUE> defines an environment variable named KEY with the concrete value VALUE for the duration of the process. In other words, these specify elements of the envp array. This can be supplied multiple times to define multiple environment variables.

    --env-var-from-bytes <KEY>[FILE] defines an environment variable named KEY with a concrete value consisting of the bytes in FILE's contents. This is like --env-var, but --env-var assumes a particular text encoding for its value (by virtue of being supplied directly on the command line), whereas --env-var-from-bytes does not assume any text encoding.

    --env-var-symbolic <KEY>[LEN] defines an environment variable named KEY with a value containing LEN symbolic characters (plus a null terminator) for the duration of the process. Like --env-var, this is a way to specify elements of the envp array. This can be supplied multiple times to define multiple symbolic environment variables.

    Note that unlike argv, the order of environment variables in the envp array is not specified. For example, passing --env-var FOO=f --env-var BAR=g does not guarantee that FOO=f will appear before BAR=g.

    If an environment variable is redefined on the command-line (e.g., --env-var TWEEDLE=dee --env-ar TWEEDLE=dum), it is not specified which value TWEEDLE will have in envp. As a result, we don't recommend redefining environment variables like this.

Static and Dynamic Binaries

The verifier fully supports statically linked libraries and has partial support for dynamically linked libraries. In order to simulate a dynamically linked library, it is required to put all of the shared libraries into a single directory and pass the --shared-objects <lib-dir> option to the verifier.

Be aware of the following limitations in the verifier's support for dynamically linked libraries:

  1. The verifier makes certain assumptions about the layout of PLT stubs that do not hold for binaries compiled with -fcf-protection, which is now the default for many versions of GCC (e.g., the one provided on recent versions of Ubuntu). See this issue. To avoid any issues, it is recommended that you compile binaries with -fcf-protection=none.
  2. The verifier currently only supports a small number of dynamic relocations and will abort if it encounters a relocation that it doesn't support. See `this issue <https://gitlab-ext.galois.com/ambient/verifier/-/issues/93`_. If you encounter an unsupported relocation, please file an issue.