
Adds new Minecraft block "the sculk sensor we all wanted". Inspired by Purplers https://youtu.be/LpKZS_8IZsw

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


CurseForge | Showcase video
The sensor we all wanted. Inspired by Purplers (video) Requires Fabric API



# Idea Done? Note
1 Make 2 versions of the sculk sensor ✔️ The vanilla sculk sensor is left untouched
2 Shorten the pulse length to 2gt ✔️ Sensor now has additional cooldown (not powered) of 6 gt. In total you can get 1 pulse every 8gt
3 Remove unnecessary sounds from detection ❓️ Sculk sensor (both vanilla and modded) get triggered by new mechanic called "game events" and not sounds. Because of that removing bloat is problematic (and actually not that needed) so this feature is not done.
4 Wipe out sculk frequencies feature 🔫 ✔️ Comparator does nothing special now
5 Make sculk sensor "tunable" like noteblock ✔️ You can calibrate BetterSculkSensor by right-clicking it with specific items (full list of item2event can be found here)
6 Make sculk sensor strong power blocks ✔️ -
7 Allow pushing sculk sensor with pistons ❓️ This mod does support pushable sculk sensors, but requires Carpet Mod to make it work. The command is /carpet setDefault movableBlockEntities true


# Feature Note
1 Fixed multiple bugs related to vanilla sculk sensor I can't remember all of them but it's mostly about copying a block with NBT (Ctrl+middle click, WorldEdit etc)
2 Use block ticking to fix some (input?) bug about redstone delay Needs more research


  • Use tags instead of hardcoded items to calibrate the sensor
  • ? Make the sensor steal the item on calibrating in survival
  • Research redstone bug to find more clean solution

Item2Event list

Game event Item to calibrate
none empty hand
step any* boots
flap phantom membrane
swim conduit
elytra_glide elytra
hit_ground any* falling block
teleport ender pearl
splash splash potion
entity_shake any* carpet
block_change observer
note_block_play noteblock
projectile_shoot bow
drink glass bottle
prime_fuse flint and steel
projectile_land arrow
eat apple
entity_interact saddle
entity_damage any* sword
equip any* chestplate
shear shears
entity_roar dragon egg (questions?)
block_close any* trapdoor
block_deactivate redstone lamp
block_detach string
dispense_fail dispenser
block_open any* door
block_activate any* pressure plate
block_attach tripwire hook
entity_place egg
block_place stone
fluid_place any* filled bucket
entity_die bone
block_destroy any* pickaxe
fluid_pickup empty bucket
item_interact_finish item frame
container_close barrel
piston_contract sticky pison
piston_extend piston
container_open chest
item_interact_start glowing item frame
explode tnt
lightning_strike lightning rod
instrument_play goat horn
  • "any" is only about vanilla items until we use tags (see TODO)