Implement shopping cart

We will continue working on our Cinema project.

  • Create models
    • ShoppingCart
    • Ticket
  • Create DAO
    • ShoppingCartDao
      public interface ShoppingCartDao {
          ShoppingCart add(ShoppingCart shoppingCart);
          Optional<ShoppingCart> getByUser(User user);
          void update(ShoppingCart shoppingCart);
    • TicketDao. Hint: use this dao in the ShoppingCartService, method addSession
      public interface TicketDao {
          Ticket add(Ticket ticket);
  • Create service
    • TicketService is not required. TicketDao is enough.
    • ShoppingCartService
      public interface ShoppingCartService {
           * This method is responsible for adding a Ticket to the ShoppingCart
           * @param movieSession contains the information required for the ticket
           * @param user - the User who wants to buy the ticket for a specific movieSession
          void addSession(MovieSession movieSession, User user);
          ShoppingCart getByUser(User user);
          void registerNewShoppingCart(User user);
          void clear(ShoppingCart shoppingCart);
  • In the mate/academy/Main.main() method create instance of ShoppingCartService using injector and test all methods from it.

You can check yourself using this checklist

Model structure
