

1- Gamal El-Sawy

-github: GamalElsawy

2- Hisham Gamal

-github: Hisham72

3- Ahmed Hisham

-github: AhmedHisham99

4- Bassam Saber

-github: BassamSabber99

5- Wessam El-Khaligy

-github: WessamELkhaligy

Game Description:

  • The famous monopoly game is a board game where 2-4 players can play together.

  • They can buy cities, railroads or utilities.

  • They can build/sell houses or hotels.

  • They may go to jail or do some judgements written on chances and community chest cards.

  • They pay rent for standing on someone else's property.

  • The last Player who didn't lose all his money is the winner.

Project Description:

  • It's a java project that implements the game with a strong gui (using javaFX) and OOP concepts.

  • The players are set of 3D shapes that moves on the board with the amount of rolled dice.

  • It has all the original game functionalities with one house rule which is that you can stand on an unowned property and you don't buy it and pass without starting an auction.

  • The forms in the start of the game were implemented with fxml using scene builder with a very little css styling and the actions of the buttons (labels act like buttons) were implemented with java.