
A repo for hosting/publishing and version controlling the improvement proposals for the GameDevUtopia DAO

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A repo for hosting/publishing and version controlling the improvement proposals for the GameDevUtopia DAO

What is an improvement proposal?

Just like an Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP), which is a design document providing information to the Ethereum community, or describing a new feature for Ethereum or its processes or environment, these GDU improvement proposals should provide a concise specification of the feature and a rationale for the feature. The proposal author is responsible for building consensus within the community and documenting dissenting opinions.

Rationale Behind implementing proposal based improvement system

GameDevUtopia is striving to become a student-centric community for game developers across technical colleges in India. But being a community, we need to constantly improve ourselves and what better way to do it than to ask the community members to invite for collaboration and improving the existing systems in place? The co-founders of GameDevUtopia have envisioned the organization to run as a Decentralized and Autonomous Organization (DAO), where every component of the organization would work independently but cohesively at the same time. In order to ensure such cohesion in an otherwise online community, we need a system of documenting the changes and proposing solutions to the problems faced by the community. This is the rationale behind maintaining this repo. Although most of the text you would find here would resemble that of the Ethereum Improvement Proposals, we sure have taken our inspiration from them all (EIPs, BIPs, PEPs, etc)

Types of Proposals

  • Governance Track:
    • Corresponds to Meta Proposals in EIP
    • These proposals are meant to document changes required to the very structure of the DAO. For example, addition/removal of PR Approvers, Proposal Gatekeepers, Working Groups, college clubs inclusion into the DAO, individual memberships, token distribution, veto powers, escalation matrix, content pipeline design, etc.
  • Standard Track:
    • These proposals cover wide range of changes, which for the most part, does not intend to affect the structure of the DAO.
    • Examples include Technologies, Partnerships, Competitions, Projects, Events, etc.