
This is a LOVE2D game designed for the Game Off 2021 hosted by GitHub. The theme for the competition was 'bug'. While playing this game, the user experiences the different challenges and environments associated with these 4 individual bugs.

Primary LanguageLua

___  ___                 _
|  \/  |                | |
| .  . | ___  _ __ _ __ | |__   ___   __ _  ___ _ __
| |\/| |/ _ \| '__| '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ / _` |/ _ \ '_ \
| |  | | (_) | |  | |_) | | | | (_) | (_| |  __/ | | |
\_|  |_/\___/|_|  | .__/|_| |_|\___/ \__, |\___|_| |_|
                  | |                 __/ |
                  |_|                |___/

Oh no, you've transformed... Your assistant messed up your experiment and now you've turned into a bug.


Defeat hostile creatures using each bug's unique powers and find your way through a maze of obstacles. Make it to the end and collect the essence of the Everendis flower to transform back into a human.



W: To move forward/fly
A: To move left
S: to move backward
D: to move right
Space: to jump
F: to use special ability
ESC: to pause the game

Bug Descriptions:


Did you know that the male horsefly is one of the fastest insects in the world? Press F to activate superspeed and zoom past obstacles.


Bombardier Beetle:

Slow to start but can gain momentum and pack a punch. Press F to hurl corrosive acid towards your enemies.


Glasswing Butterfly:

Maybe the best way to deal with conflict is to avoid it. Press F to camouflage with the surroundings. Though, I'd steer clear of the frogs... they're nasty.


Bark Spider:

This spider is known producing the largest orb webs. Press F to shoot a temporary web between two walls. (Webs can kill some creatures.)
