
Social Media for Real Friends

Primary LanguageJavaScript


BlueBook is a minimal social network webapp, which is unique in how users gain friends. Two users must perform a bluetooth ‘handshake’ through the app while being near each other in the physical world in order to become friends, meaning users only make friends with people they have actually met.

Our research has shown that it is not possible currently to maintain a bluetooth connection between two web browsers. We could reasonably continue on with this concept as a native mobile application, however we decided to keep our social network as a webapp and pivot our design. Now, instead of two users needed to perform a bluetooth handshake, they instead must have signed up from a similar geographical location, measured by using their IP address.

BlueBook is created by Abe Miller, Yokesh Jayakumar, and Mark Zhu for a final project in CSE461: Computer Networks at University of Washington. It is using a freecodecamp.org course: Full Stack React & Firebase series.

Access webapp here: https://bluebook-5f792.firebaseapp.com/

Instructions for starting frontend webapp locally, using the existing firebase API of https://us-central1-bluebook-5f792.cloudfunctions.net/api:

1: Install packages

in frontend/, run npm install

2: Run project

in frontend/, run npm start

3: Open it

go to http://localhost:3000