This project is under construction.
This is a tool for testing and playing with tilemap generation algorithms.
Initially it was thought to only support the java-wfc (jwfc) library, but it turned out to be generic enough to support much more than that.
Well, after all it has an extension system that allows easy usage of any generator or handler written, e.g. everyone can write a new extension and everyone can use that extension in their installation. An extension can add new ways of loading/saving maps as well as custom generation algorithms.
It also demonstrates nicely how to use the MVP (Model-View-Presenter) pattern with Java Swing GUI applications.
To set up the application, simply download the latest release here.
Open TODO:
Screenshots will be available soon.
Open TODO:
A brief tutorial on how to write custom extensions and how to use those already written will be available soon.
Currently there are some manual steps required to compile this project yourself.
First of all, it requires Java version 8.
It is recommended to build it using a simple artifact within IntelliJ IDEA.
It's MIT.