
This is an UNTESTED pre-release, any bugs should be reported immediatly!

Step: 1

Simply open your minecraft folder:


~/Library/Application Support/minecraft

Step: 2

Move all files in your minecraft folder to a safe location where you can replace them later and copy the files in this repository into the folder in their place.

Step: 3

Start the Minecraft launcher, it will tell you it is updating (may take up to 1 minute) then select the profile starting with (VR) and hit play.

Step: 4

After a possible download that may take up to 5 minutes, your game will launch (if not you may need to launch it one more time).

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Pack in Beta



The core concept of this pack is that you will spawn in space on a station (NOT YET COMPLETE OF FINAL IN ANY WAY) and have to do a series of repairs to prevent the station from becoming uninhabitable you spawn with a space suit, DO NOT REMOVE THE SUIT. Currently you also spawn in creative mode, this is a bug. Use "/gamemode s" to set to survival

This pack is quest based press ~ key to open quest book


Plants, trees, water, life. The earth was once a beautiful world every inch of it covered in and pulsing with life, and of course the ruled of it all, earth’s greatest being. Man. Until man turned on nature to greed, to government, to money, and to war. By the 24th century all but a handful of the nations of the world remained, all massive superpowers fighting over small scraps of land in between them. It ended with a bomb, A species that had been observing earth had decided that Earth posed too much of a risk to the rest of the beings in the universe, they were a pragmatic species, accustomed to making the most logical decision no matter the cost. They released their bomb and eliminated the threat.

Some Human vessels were crewed during the attack and witnessed it happen, these lived on for many months but supplies on many had dwindled. After a short time pirate vessels began prowling for abandoned ships or husks of dead space stations, however not turning up much one crew decided to go a step further. They selected a lightly armed station and staged an attack, almost immediately they had disabled the stations shields and damaged a section of it. The crew boarded and looted the cargo bays, stripping them to the bulkheads, and of the crew of 20. 7 were known to be killed the others vanished with the pirates.

You wake up and gasp, you feel a startling pain in your ribs and groan as you stand. “Wher–?” you start to ask as you try to remember. “Where am I?” you cannot remember. “Who am I?” you slowly realize you cant remember anything, not one fact about you, not your name, not a friend’s name. Nothing. You listen for sounds, people sounds, but hear none. “HELLOOOOOO?!” you call out, and hearing nothing but your own voice in distant reply, you continue to look around the room.

You hear an alert sounding and look around, you are on a station in a hub by the airlock. The computer terminal nearby has a list of damaged areas and maintenance tasks. “I’ll have to do these first” you almost whisper to yourself “before anything else”.