
A simple NodeMCU Ultrasonic Water Level Indicator

Primary LanguageC++


  • Easy Home Automation
  • Clever and cheap concept
  • Easy programming with Blynk

Water Level Indicator

A simple NodeMCU Ultrasonic Water Level Indicator

  1. Parts
  2. Construction
  3. Programming
  4. App creation
  5. 3D Casing
  • NodeMCU V3
  • HC-SR04
  • Simple Switch
  • Old Laptop battery pack or other Power source

In this Projekt we use the NodeMCU V3 because the cheap price and performance. You can use a smaller chips too, but i only had some NodeMCUs !

I made this simple Sketch with Fritzing:


For the Power i used some old Laptop battery pack, which works perfekt for me. For Powersaving you can set the NodeMCU in sleep mode!

App creation
  • Go to your App Store / Play Store and download Blynk
  • Create a new Projekt
  • Select ESP8266 as Board
  • Enter the Auth Token in the Arduino Sketch
  • Add a Gauge or something else and select V5 as pin.
3D Casing
Basic Sensor Casing


Comming soon ... (5-12 days)