
Just an updated fork of TentaRJ's GameJolt creation I made just for fun

Primary LanguageHaxe

GameJolt FNF Integration

This project is designed to be used with Friday Night Funkin. This allows you to add trohies in your GameJolt gamepage and award them to the user along with adding scores to leaderboard tables!

Included in the repo is the API to add trophies and the state (GameJoltLogin) to sign the user in.

Have any issues? Report them to the repo via Github Issues!




I will be editing the API for this, meaning you have to download my custom haxelib library, tentools.

You also need to download and rebuild Haya's version of systools.

Run these in the terminal:

haxelib git tentools https://github.com/TentaRJ/tentools.git
haxelib git systools https://github.com/haya3218/systools
haxelib run lime rebuild systools [windows, mac, linux]

If you are going to be releasing the source code of a mod with this integration, you need to place a few things into Project.xml.

Place these into Project.xml:

<haxelib name="tentools" />
<haxelib name="systools" />
<ndll name="systools" haxelib="systools" />

Once that is all done, you can place GameJolt.hx into the source/ folder of your project!


Make sure to add import GameJolt; at the top of main.hx!

To add your game's keys, you will need to make a file in the source folder named GJKeys.hx (filepath: ../source/GJKeys.hx).
In this file, you will need to add the GJKeys class with two public static variables, id:Int and key:String.

source/GJKeys.hx example:

class GJKeys
    public static var id:Int = 	0; // Put your game's ID here
    public static var key:String = ""; // Put your game's private API key here

DO NOT SHARE YOUR GAME'S API KEY! You can add source/GJKeys.hx to a .gitignore file to make sure no one grabs the key! If someone gets it, they can send false data!

You can find your game's API key and ID code within the game page's settngs under the game API tab.


Thank you Firubii for the code for this! Please go check them out!

https://twitter.com/firubiii / https://github.com/firubii

To setup toasts, you will need to do a few things.

Inside the Main class (Main.hx), you need to make a new variable called toastManager.


public static var gjToastManager:GJToastManager;

Inside the setupGame function in the Main class, you will need to create the toastManager.

gjToastManager = new GJToastManager();

TYSM Firubii for your help!


Make sure to put import GameJolt.GameJoltAPI; at the top of the file if you want to call a command!

import GameJolt.GameJoltAPI;

These commands must be ran before starting the API. Place these in TitleState.hx:

GameJoltAPI.authDaUser(FlxG.save.data.gjUser, FlxG.save.data.gjToken);

Username and Token are grabbed from the default FlxG.save file. This file can be changed in TitleState.hx.

Exiting the login menu will throw you back to Main Menu State. You can change this in the GameJoltLogin class inside GameJolt.hx.

The session will automatically start on login and will be pinged every 30 seconds. If it isn't pinged within 120 seconds, the session automatically ends from GameJolt's side.

You can open the login state by calling the GameJoltLogin state:

FlxG.switchState(new GameJoltLogin());


1.Install Tentools, Systools and rebuild systools

2.Setup GameJolt

3.Put the thing's on Main.hx and TitleState.hx

PS: You should have internet connection for login, just that



The state you will call back to after hitting ESCAPE or CONTINUE


The font used in GameJoltLogin


The font path used for the notifications


The file path for the image in the notifications.


userLogin(default, null):Bool = false;

Flag to check if the user is actually signed in. Returns a bool value. true if signed in, false if not signed in.


Grabs the username of the user and returns it.


Grabs the game token of the user and returns it.


Makes the user to achieve a trophy.
id:Int -> ID of the trophy you want the player to achieve.


Returns a bool value of the achieved status. True for achieved, false for not achieved.
TrophyID:Int -> ID of the trophy you want to check.


Returns a Map<String,String> of the trophy called for, or null if the trophy with the input ID is not detected correctly.
TrophyID:Int -> ID of the trophy you want to pull.

GameJoltAPI.addScore(score:Int, tableID:Int, ?extraData:String);

Adds a score to a table on GameJolt.
score:Int -> The score to add. Will also count as the sorting value.
tableID:Int -> ID of the table.
extraData:String -> Exta data you want to add. Could be accuracy, who knows.


Pulls the data from the highest score on the table. Will return a Map<String,String> value.
tableID:Int -> ID of the table.
Values returned -> score, sort, user_id, user, extra_data, stored, guest, success