
🛠 Basic Redux + Redux Toolkit Example 🛠

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Who am I

I've been doing this a while I don't know everything - I leave my ego at the door. You defo know something I don't in this JS ecosystem. Follow me on LinkedIn! Always happy to offer a few minutes or answer a question to anything.


TO start - Redux in the wild

I am going to assume you know React, JS, Typescript

Visit my portfolio website - show a smaller store Shopping cart, user info, dark mode Redux is still being used

Visit Reddit/NPR - they have a Redux store

Why use Redux?

  • Global Store - everything and anything can access it, ie, a database for your frontend

  • Avoid props drilling


  • You are going to get asked about it in your React interviews 🙃

Warning - Redux has a ton of moving parts

It's complicated. It's okay to feel overwhelmed. Even I don't know everything.

History - mutating was awful, now we are better with Redux Toolkit

Start with CRA install

npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript

make a shopping cart

after all, a shopping cart is probably going to be needed to be 'seen' everywhere, so it's a great first case.

make two store fronts in Next.JS

As simple as possible, no stress

What goes in the Redux store?

Everything? NO.

Use context API for small needs. Even some props drilling is okay.

Devs can complain about Redux when the store gets too big - so be mindful of that.

Using Redux Toolkit



Redux is still a complicated mess at times, but RTK reduces that pain.


Is perfect to follow through~


Wth is a reducer

Reducers are functions that take the current state and an action as arguments, and return a new state result. In other words, (state, action) => newState.