Gammel Sami's AutoHotkey Setup. Some Scripts are inspired stolen from TaranVH (Editor at LinusTechTips) but modified for german PremierePro on WQHD monitor with 100% scaling.
File Structure
└ 🎵Some Media File
└ 📜Some Autohotkey Library
├ 📂Functions
│ └ 📄app_reusableFunction.ahk
├ 📄appShortcuts.ahk
└ 📜useful_standalone_script by TaranVH.ahk
└ ↻Things I need after reinstalling Windows.lnk
📄includer.ahk # every library, function and listener is included here
📄LauncherXY.ahk # Launchers need the includer.ahk, so they are in the same directory