A lightweight React library for rendering complex After Effects animations in real time using Lottie.
- 19
- 0
Lotties animation ordering z-index is broken
#118 opened by leonardo-hagge - 0
- 0
Allow injecting svg elements as children
#115 opened by Xentox-Phil - 2
- 0
lottie files are not rendered correctly
#114 opened by KimKeepLearning - 1
Change the container div to a custom markup
#110 opened by Lamecarlate - 7
- 1
Export LottieRefCurrentProps for typescript
#105 opened by kyeshmz - 0
- 4
- 1
Slow / janky in Safari only
#107 opened by aidan-rypens - 2
play method only works in first call
#104 opened by mvolkmann - 0
'requestAnimationFrame' handler took
#99 opened by yanggwangseong - 6
Wrong type for LottieComponentProps
#65 opened by irangarcia - 0
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- 0
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- 6
How to set a Speed for the Lottie ?
#73 opened by Hamdysaad20 - 2
Issue with next js 13
#91 opened by poornima-alugubelly - 1
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Interactive scroll animation stops
#50 opened by reptar25 - 3
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- 1
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Animation Glitches
#76 opened by sedghi - 1
- 1
Verrrrrry high CPU usage
#83 opened by mnlbox - 8
Not working with next js
#79 opened by denvradiy - 3
is possible run with uri in react.js
#80 opened by ahmettopal - 2
the lottie animation is rendering twice
#81 opened by shrutilenka - 2
- 1
How to set className prop?
#74 opened by vndevil - 7
Help with playSegments
#67 opened by jordanlambrecht - 2
autoplay prop on component is not respected
#68 opened by MagnusHJensen - 2
Change preserveAspectRatio property of SVG
#55 opened by M4tT3d - 2
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Animation always plays at least twice
#48 opened by thijs-feel - 2
Large Memory Leak
#63 opened by StephenEsser - 3
v3 Roadmap / prerelease?
#52 opened by MauriceArikoglu - 1
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Support for React 18
#61 opened by ranaharoni - 0
How to use Interaction Methods?
#59 opened by tkmin - 0
Animation Hover Support
#56 opened by johntvogt - 8
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Type 'number[][]' is not assignable to type 'AnimationSegment | AnimationSegment[]'.
#43 opened by jordanlambrecht