NestJS Typescript Template

This is a template for NestJS projects using TypeScript. It uses SWC for compilation and Vitest for testing.

It aims to be a simple, yet powerful template for NestJS projects where you can get started quickly with solid foundation for your project and an in detail explanation of the dependencies.

  • Yarn
  • Node.js 20.x described using nvm (.nvmrc)
  • NestJS w/ SWC & Type Check
  • TypeScript w/ strict mode and path mappings
  • Fastify
  • ESLint w/ Prettier
  • Unit and E2E testing w/ Vitest and SWC
  • Zod for validation
  • Typed app config with nestjs-zod-config



  • @nestjs/core, @nestjs/common, rxjs, reflect-metadata - NestJS core packages and dependencies
  • @nestjs/platform-fastify - NestJS Fastify adapter
  • zod - Zod for validation (e.g. app config)
  • @nestjs/config, nestjs-zod-config - Typed app config with Zod (@nestjs/config is a peer dependency of nestjs-zod-config)

Development Dependencies

  • @nestjs/cli, @nestjs/schematics - NestJS CLI and schematics for generating NestJS components using the CLI (nest g)
  • @swc/cli, @swc/core - SWC compiler - used to compile the TypeScript code to JavaScript by the NestJS CLI
  • @nestjs/testing, vitest, unplugin-swc, @vitest/coverage-v8, vite-tsconfig-paths, supertest, @types/supertest - NestJS testing utilities, Vitest, SWC plugin for Vite, V8 coverage plugin for Vitest, Vite plugin for TypeScript path mappings, Supertest for E2E testing, and TypeScript type definitions for Supertest
  • @types/node - TypeScript type definitions for Node.js
  • eslint, eslint-config-universe, eslint-plugin-promise, prettier - ESLint and Prettier for code linting and formatting, Expo's ESLint config (easy to use and a solid ruleset), and ESLint plugin for Promises
  • typescript - TypeScript compiler
  • tsconfig-paths - Resolves TypeScript path mappings, simplifying project structure management

    ℹ️ Removed for now as it seems to work without it, but it might be needed in the future.