
DeDoDe 🎶 Detect, Don't Describe - Describe, Don't Detect, for Local Feature Matching

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

DeDoDe 🎶
Detect, Don't Describe --- Describe, Don't Detect
for Local Feature Matching

Johan Edstedt · Georg Bökman · Mårten Wadenbäck · Michael Felsberg

The DeDoDe detector learns to detect 3D consistent repeatable keypoints, which the DeDoDe descriptor learns to match. The result is a powerful decoupled local feature matcher.

How to Use DeDoDe?

Below we show how DeDoDe can be run, you can also check out the demos

from DeDoDe import dedode_detector_L, dedode_descriptor_B, dedode_descriptor_G
from DeDoDe.matchers.dual_softmax_matcher import DualSoftMaxMatcher

detector = dedode_detector_L(weights = torch.load("dedode_detector_L.pth"))
# Choose either a smaller descriptor,
descriptor = dedode_descriptor_B(weights = torch.load("dedode_descriptor_B.pth"))
# Or a larger one
descriptor = dedode_descriptor_G(weights = torch.load("dedode_descriptor_G.pth"), 
                                 dinov2_weights = None) # You can manually load dinov2 weights, or we'll pull from facebook

matcher = DualSoftMaxMatcher()

im_A_path = "assets/im_A.jpg"
im_B_path = "assets/im_B.jpg"
im_A = Image.open(im_A_path)
im_B = Image.open(im_B_path)
W_A, H_A = im_A.size
W_B, H_B = im_B.size

detections_A = detector.detect_from_path(im_A_path, num_keypoints = 10_000)
keypoints_A, P_A = detections_A["keypoints"], detections_A["confidence"]

detections_B = detector.detect_from_path(im_B_path, num_keypoints = 10_000)
keypoints_B, P_B = detections_B["keypoints"], detections_B["confidence"]

description_A = descriptor.describe_keypoints_from_path(im_A_path, keypoints_A)["descriptions"]
description_B = descriptor.describe_keypoints_from_path(im_B_path, keypoints_B)["descriptions"]

matches_A, matches_B, batch_ids = matcher.match(keypoints_A, description_A,
    keypoints_B, description_B,
    P_A = P_A, P_B = P_B,
    normalize = True, inv_temp=20, threshold = 0.1)#Increasing threshold -> fewer matches, fewer outliers

matches_A, matches_B = matcher.to_pixel_coords(matches_A, matches_B, H_A, W_A, H_B, W_B)

Training DeDoDe

DISCLAMER: I've (Johan) not yet tested that the training scripts here reproduces our original results. This repo is very similar to the internal training repo, but there might be bugs introduced by refactoring etc. Let me know if you face any issues reproducing our results (or if you somehow get better results :D).

See experiments for the scripts to train DeDoDe. We trained on a single A100-40GB with a batchsize of 8. Note that you need to do the data prep first, see data_prep.

As usual, we require that you have the MegaDepth dataset already downloaded, and that you have the prepared scene info from DKM.

Pretrained Models

Right now you can find them here: https://github.com/Parskatt/DeDoDe/releases/tag/dedode_pretrained_models Probably we'll add some autoloading in the near future.

DeDoDe in Other Frameworks


All code/models except DINOv2 (descriptor-G), are MIT license. DINOv2 is Apache-2 license


  title={{DeDoDe: Detect, Don't Describe --- Describe, Don't Detect for Local Feature Matching}},
  author = {Johan Edstedt and Georg Bökman and Mårten Wadenbäck and Michael Felsberg},
  booktitle={2024 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV)},