
knowledge graph blog website, build by nextjs, prisma/postgres full-stack

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Research Intelligent Website on Fullstack Nextjs/Prisma

This is derived from the starter project for the fullstack tutorial with Next.js and Prisma. You can find the final version of this project in the final branch of this repo.

The original guide is from Vercel Showcase Auth and Showcase CMS, which has a session use error. it's api mistakenly used client session rather than server session. This new guide fixed this bug.


start dev: npm run dev access at: localhost:3000 Login: Github OAuth

Data Model

Main Data

Prisma is the main application ORM. Schema file: ~\prisma\schema.prisma generation command: npx prisma generate npx prisma db push call web database gui: npx prisma studio

Other Data Source

DocumentDB: MongoDB CMS: graphql.contentful.com/content GraphDB: Time Series DB: Large File: cloud storage

Concept Model

Plain Post

the original pure text post.

Structured Post

like contentful, support custom defined data field/typed. support rich text.

Entity/Relation Post

for intelligent/knowledge model, the post contains a triplet array and targeted knowledge base, which represent the manual input of a graph model. the model are two typed:

  • Entity, use ontology like format. (dictionary, terms, etc,)
  • Relations, use RDF like format. a set of entity/relations are a domain knowledge base. the knowledge base can be converted between graph/knowledge base formats.


Tailwind CSS

UI Lib

MUI: npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled Nextjs Example NEXTUI: For Framework Next.js