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Project is in an infantile state, you may see todos within the project but I will be using Task Forge for it's own todos once it's in a stable enough state. :)
- Node/NPM
There are no official releases at this point, but if you want to play around:
- Clone repos
- Navigate to
folder or add to your path - run the
add|a <text> ...... add task
view <taskId> ...... view task
list|l ...... view task, default command
modify|mod|m <taskId> <text> ...... modifies task (overwrites)
append|app <taskId> <text> ...... appends text to task
prepend|pre <taskId> <text> ...... prepends text to task
done|d <taskId> ...... archives task
restore|res <taskId> ...... restores a completed task
remove|rem <taskId> ...... permanently deletes task
start <taskId> ...... Starts a timer on the task
stop <taskId> ...... Stops the timer on the task
Global Flags
-v|--version ...................... show current version
-h|--help ...................... show usage
// TODO: Documentation, once it surpasses simple usage
These do not appear in any given order. They are not prioritized but the next thing on the list is what I'm working on.
- Basic Task Crud
- Create
- delete
- done
- delete
- list
- list done
- read
- modify desc
- restore archived => todo
- append
- prepend
- Better Help Menu
- tags
- add tag with add or modify
- remove tag with modify
- list tags used with # of current tasks
- fix bug when add/mod tasks with non-string values
- projects
- add prj:projectName
- remove prj with mod (tk mod # prj:)
- list projects with # of current
- list projects with # complete
- Start/Stop timers
- start
- stop
- update help
- Move Aggregate information out of db (getProjectList)
- [] list time spent per task on todo, done, project?, tags?
- [] pretty output
- [] priority
- Started
- Special +Next tag
- Rest
- [] aggregate time taken on done tasks
- [] Due dates
- [] Command Help Menus
- [] Focus, only show tasks of project and/or tag
- list (different ways of viewing tasks)
- [] +tag1 -tag2
- [] prj:projectName
- [] active
- [] blocked
- [] newest
- [] next
- [] oldest
- [] overdue
- [] project/no project
- [] bulk edit
- [] prj:oldName mod prj:newName
- [] Ready status?
- reports (aggregate views, that don't contain the basic columns)
- tags
- recurring templates with next occurence
- projects
- burndown
- timesheet?
- export/import/backup?
- notes
- Priority+Backlog, inspired from [Scrum]
- Add Shields as we go
- [] Discord
- Integration (Push/Pull) from github issues
- Urgency, inspired from Task Warrior
- Sprints option/skin/workflow?
- GTD option/skin/workflow?
Contributing is greatly appreciated.
for more information.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
- Readme inspired by Best-README-Template
- Commands inspired by Task Warrior