
Processed Play Store dataset using Python libraries to extract valuable insights and employed visualization tools and Tableau to create intuitive visual representations.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Play Store App Review Analysis

This project centers on analyzing and visualizing Google Play Store data to derive insights into app performance, user ratings, and review sentiments. Utilizing Python libraries such as Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn, we created several visualizations that shed light on various aspects of the dataset. It aids strategic decision-making by helping app developers and businesses understand market trends, identify high-performing categories, and make informed decisions about app development and marketing strategies. By examining ratings and reviews, businesses can pinpoint areas for improvement, thereby enhancing user satisfaction and app quality. Additionally, this analysis provides a means for competitive benchmarking, allowing businesses to compare their apps against others in the same category and set realistic performance goals.

Link to my tableau dashboard = "https://public.tableau.com/views/PlayStoreAppDataAnalysis_17167216565730/CategoricalReview?:language=en-US&publish=yes&:sid=&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link"

Play Store App Reviews Analysis: Ratings and Sentiments Overview image It visualizes key metrics such as the distribution of app ratings, the frequency of reviews, and the correlation between ratings and review sentiments. The dashboard is designed to help users quickly identify trends and patterns in user feedback, allowing for a deeper understanding of how apps are perceived by their audience. By leveraging interactive elements, users can filter and drill down into specific data points, making it a valuable tool for developers and marketers aiming to enhance app performance and user satisfaction.

Play Store App Reviews Insight: Trends, Keywords, and Sentiments image It showcases detailed visualizations that illustrate the distribution of app ratings, the volume of reviews over time, and the relationship between review sentiments and star ratings. This dashboard enables users to identify key trends and insights, such as the most frequently mentioned keywords in reviews and the overall sentiment analysis. By incorporating interactive filters and drill-down capabilities, the dashboard facilitates a deeper exploration of the data, making it an invaluable resource for app developers and marketers looking to improve user engagement and app performance.

Let us look at some of the python visualizations and the data insights given by them.

  1. Number of Apps by Category (Total and >= 10M Installs) Untitled Insights include which categories have the highest total number of apps and which categories have the most apps with over 500,000 installs, showing a distribution and popularity comparison within the categories. Identifying popular categories can help businesses focus their app development or marketing strategies on trending categories, potentially increasing market share and user engagement. Over-saturation in popular categories might indicate high competition, suggesting a need for niche targeting or innovation to stand out.

  2. Scatter Plot of Reviews vs. Rating Untitled The scatter plot illustrates the relationship between app ratings and the number of reviews they received.There seems to be a concentration of apps with high ratings and a relatively lower number of reviews, while the top 5 apps with the most reviews are highlighted, showing their position relative to others.Identifying top-rated apps with a significant number of reviews can provide valuable insights into features or aspects that contribute to user satisfaction and popularity. Businesses can learn from these successful apps to improve their own offerings and potentially attract more users. If the top-rated apps with the most reviews are competitors, it could indicate strong competition in the market. This may require businesses to invest more resources in marketing, product development, or customer service to compete effectively, potentially increasing costs and reducing profit margins.

3.Distribution of App Sizes by Category Untitled This chart shows the variability in app sizes within each category, highlighting categories with larger or more variable app sizes.Categories with consistently larger apps can be identified, as well as those with a wide range of app sizes. Understanding the size distribution across categories can help developers optimize app size relative to competitors in the same category. This can improve user experience and storage management. Large app sizes in certain categories may deter users with limited storage capacity, potentially leading to lower download rates in those categories.

4.Number of Apps by Installs Untitled The chart highlights the distribution of apps based on their install counts, showing how many apps have achieved the target of most installs and indicating the general popularity or reach of apps among the consumers. Businesses can compare their app with performanceof other apps and set target to upgade its category in the most competitive market by adjusting their strategies to target more customers. High competition in certain category might require more resources for apps to stand out, potentially leading to increased marketing costs.

5.Ratings by Category Untitled The chart reveals which categories generally have higher or lower ratings and shows the variability of ratings within each category, helping to identify categories with consistent quality or those with mixed user feedback. Businesses can evaluate their app based on the category it belongs to by comparing their app with the category data available in the chart. It will help the developers with apps in multiple categories the most.Categories with low or highly variable ratings may require quality improvements to avoid negative user perceptions and attrition.