Swift 3.0 β
This is a curated Workspace containing playgrounds and projects
to learn new iOS releated things and improve my iOS Framework and Swift Language skills.
β Optionals
β Enums
β Core Graphics
β Sequence & Generator Protocol
β Generics
β CALayer
β Unsafe Mutable Pointers
β Associated Types
β Lenses
β Type Erasure
β GCD - Grand Central Dispatch
β MapKit and Core Location
β Property Animators
β StackView
β Autolayout
β IBDesignable / IBInspectable
β UITableView
β Custom Controls (UIControl, Core Craphics, CALayer)
β Creating dynamic Frameworks
β Simple Drawing App
β Custom Viewcontroller Transitions https://github.com/SebastianBoldt/Jelly
β Core Animation
β NSURLSession
β CollectionView
β Realm
β User Notifications
β RxSwift https://github.com/SebastianBoldt/Learn-and-Master-RxSwift
β Saving Data (NSUserDefaults,SQlite & Co.)
β UI-Testing
β Adaptive Layout
β Custom CollectionView Layouts
β CloudKit
β SearchAPI
β App Extensions
β Watch OS
β AVFoundation
β Core Data
β SpriteKit
β Core Text / TextKit
β Core ML
β ARKit
β Swapping two values with one line of code
β Write a Function that joins three Strings with one line of code
β Write a Function that appends descriptions of objects that are CustomStringConvertible
β Print each value of an array without using any loop operators, variables, nor any built-in Array functions
β Write a String Extension that uses recursion to reverse a String