
Http proxy. With http-proxy, you can assign a socks5 proxy as upstream proxy, and, use "chnroute" to by pass proxy.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


http-proxy 能够把 socks5 代理转换为 http 代理,另外,可以根据 IP 段来 决定哪些 IP 应该走 socks5,哪些 IP 应该直连。 这对于经常从国内外服务器拉取代码的人非常有用。

例如,因为一些原因,我们拉取或推送代码到 github 时,速度非常慢,因此我 们需要配置 git 的 http(s).proxy,当我们需要拉取国内源的代码时,我们又需 要取消 git 的 http(s).proxy 设置。

通过 http-proxy 我们仅需要配置一次,然后,是否需要通过 socks5 代理,可由 http-proxy 自动决定。

更多见 使用说明配置示例

Http proxy. With http-proxy, you can assign a socks5 proxy as upstream proxy, and, use "chnroute" to by pass proxy.


With "--chnroute", you should make sure that the dns resolve result is clean. You can use CleanDNS, ChinaDNS or similar utilities to get clean dns result.



sudo apt-get install build-essential libc-ares-dev

git clone https://github.com/GangZhuo/http-proxy.git

git submodule init

git submodule update

cd http-proxy

make clean



1) Download source code from https://github.com/GangZhuo/http-proxy.

2) Download http-parser from https://github.com/nodejs/http-parser.git.

3) Open http-proxy/windows/http-proxy.sln with visual studio 2019, build project.

4) build project.

Install as windows service

1) Copy http-proxy.exe, asset/lan.txt, asset/chnroute.txt, asset/chnroute6.txt,
   windows/install_service.bat and windows/uninstall_service.bat to your program directory.

2) Run install_service.bat with administrator permissions. 

3) After installed, a file "http-proxy.config" should be automatic generated.
   Edit "http-proxy.config" by text editor (maybe notepad).

4) Press "WIN + R" to open a run window, type "services.msc", and press enter.
   The service window should be open, find the "http-proxy" service,
   and start the service.

Uninstall windows service

1) Press "WIN + R" to open a run window, type "services.msc", and press enter.
   The service window should be open, find the "http-proxy" service,
   and stop the service.
2) Run uninstall_service.bat with administrator permissions. 


$>http-proxy -h

http-proxy 0.0.1


http-proxy [-b BIND_ADDR] [-p BIND_PORT] [--config=CONFIG_PATH]
         [--log=LOG_FILE_PATH] [--log-level=LOG_LEVEL]
         [--chnroute=CHNROUTE_FILE] [--proxy=SOCKS5_PROXY]
         [--daemon] [--pid=PID_FILE_PATH] [-v] [-V] [-h]

Http proxy. With http-proxy, you can assign a socks5 proxy as upstream proxy.
And, use "chnroute" to by pass proxy.

  With "--chnroute", you should make sure that the dns resolve result is clean.
  You can use CleanDNS (https://github.com/GangZhuo/CleanDNS),
  ChinaDNS (https://github.com/shadowsocks/ChinaDNS) or similar utilities to
  get clean dns result.


  -b BIND_ADDR             Address that listens, default:
                           Use comma to separate multi addresses,
                           e.g. -b,[::1]:5354.
  -p BIND_PORT             Port that listen on, default: 1080.
                           The port specified in "-b" is priority .
  -t TIMEOUT               Timeout (seconds), default: 30.
  --dns-server=DNS_SERVER  DNS servers, e.g.,
  --dns-timeout=TIMEOUT    DNS cache timeout (seconds), default: 600.
                           0 mean no cache.
  --daemon                 Daemonize.
  --pid=PID_FILE_PATH      pid file, default: /var/run/http-proxy.pid,
                           only available on daemonize.
  --log=LOG_FILE_PATH      Write log to a file.
  --log-level=LOG_LEVEL    Log level, range: [0, 7], default: 5.
  --config=CONFIG_PATH     Config file, find sample at
  --chnroute=CHNROUTE_FILE Path to china route file,
                           e.g.: --chnroute=lan.txt,chnroute.txt,chnroute6.txt.
  --forbidden=FORBIDDEN_FILE Path to forbidden route file,
                           e.g.: --forbidden=self.txt,youtube.txt.
  --proxy=SOCKS5_PROXY     Socks5 proxy, e.g. --proxy=
                           or --proxy=[::1]:1080. More than one proxy is supported,
                           in the case, if first proxy is unconnectable, it is
                           automatic to switch to next proxy.
                           Only socks5 with no authentication is supported.
  --ipv6-prefer            IPv6 preferential.
  --reverse                Reverse. If set, then connect server by proxy,
                           when the server's IP in the chnroute.
  -v                       Verbose logging.
  -h                       Show this help message and exit.
  -V                       Print version and then exit.

Online help: <https://github.com/GangZhuo/http-proxy>


./http-proxy -b -p 1081 --proxy= --chnroute=lan.txt,chnroute.txt,chnroute6.txt -vvvv

or run as daemon with config file.

./http-proxy --config=http-proxy.config --daemon

you can find a sample at https://github.com/GangZhuo/http-proxy/blob/master/asset/http-proxy.config

Update chnroute (IPv4)

See About chnroute on ChinaDNS.

Update chnroute (IPv6)

You can generate latest chnroute6.txt using this command:

curl 'http://ftp.apnic.net/apnic/stats/apnic/delegated-apnic-latest' | \
grep ipv6 | grep CN | awk -F\| '{ printf("%s/%d\n", $4, $5) }' > chnroute6.txt