
Codes and Data for Scaling Relationship on Learning Mathematical Reasoning with Large Language Models

Primary LanguagePython

Scaling Relationship on Learning Mathematical Reasoning with Large Language Models

The code and data used for reproducing results of Scaling Relationship on Learning Mathematical Reasoning with Large Language Models.

Setting 7B 7B-2 13B 13B-2 33B 65B 70B-2
ICL-8shot 11.0/18.1 14.6/- 17.8/29.3 28.7/- 35.6/53.1 50.9/69.7 56.8/-
SFT 35.9/48.7 41.6/55.4 43.0/55.2 50.0/61.7 54.6/- 59.3/- 63.2/-
RFT k=100 41.7/52.7 47.5/58.7 49.1/59.9 54.8/65.4 54.5/- - -
RFT-U13B 49.3/61.8 50.3/65.6 52.1/66.2 55.4/69.1 56.5/- 59.0/- -
RFT-U33B 49.1/61.6 51.2/64.1 51.4/66.3 55.3/69.1 - - -

Metrics are maj1@1 and maj1@100.

Findings from the paper

fig1 fig2

SFT Training

Use train_xb.sh for fine-tuning LLaMA and LLaMA-2.

bash train_xb.sh ./data/train_use.jsonl SAVE_PATH 3

RFT Inference

LLaMA 7B / 13B

bash group_sample_7b_13b.sh SAVE_PATH


bash group_sample_30b.sh SAVE_PATH

Filter reasoning paths

python collect_rejection_sampling.py

RFT Training

For RFT using LLaMA-7B/7B-2/13B/13B-2/33B generated samples with k=100.

bash train_xb.sh ./data/rft/llama_yb.jsonl SAVE_PATH 3

For RFT using U13B.

bash train_xb.sh ./data/rft/u13b.jsonl SAVE_PATH 3

For RFT using U33B.

bash train_xb.sh ./data/rft/u33b.jsonl SAVE_PATH 3


We use greedy decode for the test set.

For evaluate 7B/13B models:

bash test_7b_13b.sh SAVE_PATH

For evaluate 30B models:

bash single_test_30b.sh SAVE_PATH 0 ./data/test_jsonl.sh

For evaluate 65B / 70B models:

bash single_test_65b.sh SAVE_PATH 0,1 ./data/test_jsonl.sh

Use eval.py to obtain the scores, and it also supports maj1@K.

GPU Usage

7B / 13B 33B 65B / 70B
SFT / RFT 8 16 32
Minimal Inference 1 1 2
Group Inference 8 8 8


@misc{yuan2023scaling, title={Scaling Relationship on Learning Mathematical Reasoning with Large Language Models}, author={Zheng Yuan and Hongyi Yuan and Chengpeng Li and Guanting Dong and Chuanqi Tan and Chang Zhou}, year={2023}, eprint={2308.01825}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} }