
Data Analysis with Python

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Data Analysis with Python-

Problem - A US-based housing company named Surprise Housing has decided to enter the Australian market. The company uses data analytics to purchase houses at a price below their actual values and flip them on at a higher price. For the same purpose, the company has collected a data set from the sale of houses in Australia. The data is provided in the CSV file below.

The company wants to know: -Which variables are significant in predicting the price of a house, and -How well those variables describe the price of a house.

Data Definition https://cdn.upgrad.com/UpGrad/temp/87f67e28-c47e-4725-ae3c-111142c7eaba/data_description.txt

Part-1 : Here is the first part of the notebook - Data Analysis : Perform the data analysis and create the appropriate dataset which will be used in the final Machine Learning Model (Part-2)