
Solve games in computaional game theory class.

Primary LanguagePython

solve-games ✔️

Solve games in computational game theory class.

Homework are saved in homework folder. We solved small Isolation board game as final demo in final_project folder. Here are our presentation slides and report.

If you only play Human vs. Human Isolation game, python files are enough. Just run python GameGUI.py (not python final_project\GameGUI.py) in terminal.

If you want to play with computer or need prediction, run C++ first to get database, and compile the reader.cpp to get a reader.exe file. Put the reader.exe and the database file in the same folder with the GameGUI.py.

Remark: The reader.cpp use a _fseeki64 function, which is only support in VS. If you use other compiler, you should change it to fseek function, but it will only support gameboard smaller than 5*5