
There is no map after startup

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hey @GaoLon ,
I tried to compile and install your code, but after running the run_all.launch file, nothing was displayed in rviz and display 'no odom' information in the terminal. I want to know what this is caused? Maybe I need to create a simulation environment separately?

If I set roslaunch car_planner run_all.launch use_sim:=true, the car will be displayed and the path can be planned, but there is still no map. The error message is as follows:

[ERROR] [1678179384.228255929]: Error transforming odometry 'Odometry' from frame '/world' to frame 'world'
[ERROR] [1678179384.228357274]: Error transforming odometry 'Odometry' from frame '/world' to frame 'world'
[ WARN] [1678179384.235838413]: Global Pointcloud received..
Failed to find match for field 'intensity'.

Looking forward to your reply, thank you.

This is because when the frame_id is assigned, it's not needed to add '/' in a new ROS environment. You can revise it in \src\ugv_simulator\vehicle_simulator\src\vehicleSimulator.cpp line 258. Just replace odomData.header.frame_id = "/world"; with odomData.header.frame_id = "world";