

Here give three examples use nsis to create windows installers, in Monitor_OCR show how to add environment path into the system, and check whether the current software exists or not (if yes, skip installation), also integrated the function of install others already exist installer. In more detail check the Monitor_OCR code or NSIS office documents.


  • Download NSIS compile tools and double click to install it.

  • Install the VNISEdit with extract code:02lf. It's for free but only in chinese version.

    Hine: The convenient way to build a windows installer is that use VNISEdit automatically to generate NSIS code.


  • Open VNISEdit as administrator, select File->Wizard menu bar or simply press ctrl+w to start a new wizard.

  • Then just follow the step to create new file.

  • Finally, a NSIS file is ready to build for your installer.